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Pages: 1
As many of you know by my more annoying posts... I am new to Arch (you might also say I'm new to Linux since I've only used it for 2 years). But anyway I want to do what I can to help out so I made PKGBUILDs of GSView a ghostcript frontend and Scale2x an image processing algorithm. I hope you like them. From now on in my spare time, I'm going to go looking for cool programs that aren't in the AUR and make PKGBUILDs for them. Most of them will have to be simple ./configure, make, make install programs as I'm not that skilled with compilation, but maybe as I make more of them I will learn things I never knew before. Cheers to all AURers.
6EA3 F3F3 B908 2632 A9CB E931 D53A 0445 B47A 0DAB
Great things come in tar.xz packages.
Pages: 1