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I have a USB2.0 Hard Drive formatted with ntfs, which holds my music. I have an fstab entry for it using ntfs-3g and I can mount it fine after booting up. But the drive doesn't automatically mount like it should. It looks like the system is mounting the fstab entries before it is finished detecting my external drive. Anything I can do to fix this?
The unclean way would be to put the mount command in your /etc/rc.local
"Oh, they have the internet on computers now."
I let my external ntfs drive be mounted by hal - I have no entry for it in /etc/fstab. In order to have it mounted with read/write privileges I had to create a hal policy like this wiki page describes: … ntfs-3g.29
I'm not sure if this solution is what you're looking for though...
I let my external ntfs drive be mounted by hal - I have no entry for it in /etc/fstab. In order to have it mounted with read/write privileges I had to create a hal policy like this wiki page describes: … ntfs-3g.29
I'm not sure if this solution is what you're looking for though...
I actually tried using hal to do it and it didn't work right for some reason.
It should actually be very straight forward using hal. I just created the hal policy as the wiki says, made sure that my fstab had no reference to this drive, rebooted the computer and now the drive mounts properly whenever I turn it on. You need to make sure that your user is in all the right groups for hal to work properly of course.