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Not really sure whether this is the appropriate forum for this, and I apologise if it's not.
I can't type those german/swedish öäü-letters anywhere(Had to copy/paste those from a website). I think utf-8 works, cause i can write the norwegian ØÆÅ. The german/swedish characters doesn't work in urxvt and not in firefox. I have a Norwegian keyboard. In Windows I can do it. Could there be any things interesting in xorg.conf or something? Isn't it possible to have them both work?
usually I need to click first on one button to create the ¨-symbol and then on either "o", "u", "a" etc..but now the ¨-symbol appears as soon as i click on it. It doesn't wait for a follow-up-keypress.
Thanks for reading!
Check your xorg.conf for nodeadkeys. Is it in there? Or just paste the xorg.conf and we try to figure it out together.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
My working setup for a swedish keyboard:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbLayout" "se"
Hope it'll help
Last edited by Jansson (2007-09-26 17:05:51)
I had a similar situation with my setup, and discovered that I had to remove the option NoDeadKeys from my keyboard section in xorg.conf
MadEye | Registered Linux user #167944 since 2000-02-28 | Homepage