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The PHP package was rebuilt in order to provide more functionality while
reducing explicit dependencies and memory usage. This was achieved by
building most PHP modules as shared objects instead of building them
statically in.
In addition to this it is easier to use and package external PHP modules and
its configuration due to the possibility to have a separate config file for
every extension. Those ini files are stored in /etc/php/conf.d/ and will
automatically used by PHP.
If you are using PHP on a webserver connected to the internet you might be
interested in installing the php-suhosin package as well which was moved from
the [community] into the [extra] repository. Along with the suhosin-patch
which ships with the current PHP packge this extension provides some advanced
security features. For some more information on this see
The packages will remain in [testing] for at least a few days. Please test
this package with your favorite scripts and report any error or suggestions:
If you update from a previous PHP setup, take care of the following changes:
* Due to the modularization you have to enable some modules which were
built-in before. For a quick overview compare the modules section at the
bottom of your php.ini with the new one which will be stored as
* PHP itself does not have any explicit dependencies, but some extensions will
only work with certain package installed. Those will be displayed during the
* If you are using any PHP extension from [community] or AUR you will have
to rebuild them against this PHP version. As soon as this package arrives in
[extra], all extensions in [community] will be updated.
However I edit lines below, it still tries to use /tmp/mysql.sock
mysql.default_socket = "/var/tmp/mysql.sock"
mysqli.default_socket = "/var/tmp/mysql.sock"
I'll create a symlink in /tmp to /var/tmp/mysql.sock till it's fixed
in /dev/null no one can hear your scream...
Turkish Archlinux & KDEmod Mirror Administrator ~
Well, you changed this in my.cnf then, right? By defaulkt Arch uses /tmp/mysql.sock (see … vs-markup). Any reason for changing this? In contrast to /tmp /var/tmp is persistent among rebooting.
Anyway: Did this work with the previous version of php? Does phpinfo show your changes to the socket location?
Well, you changed this in my.cnf then, right? By defaulkt Arch uses /tmp/mysql.sock (see … vs-markup). Any reason for changing this? In contrast to /tmp /var/tmp is persistent among rebooting.
Anyway: Did this work with the previous version of php? Does phpinfo show your changes to the socket location?
Everything was fine with the previous version. I upgraded to testing version 5.2.4-4 and mysql connection got broken. There's a silly enterprise application we use and if the mysql.sock file is in /tmp it gives security errors. That's why i need to change default config. Below is a screenshot from phpinfo.
in /dev/null no one can hear your scream...
Turkish Archlinux & KDEmod Mirror Administrator ~
OK, I'll have to look into this. Screenshot looks ok I think.
I just switched my mysql config to use /var/tmp/mysql.sock and change mysql[i].default_socket in php.ini. And it works without any problems. So the problem must be somewhere else. What error message do you get?
I've just found what the problem is. The cron job of our silly application creates symlink to /dev/null for .bash_history of root and this sometimes causes permission change on /dev/null from 666 to 600. Whenever httpd was restarted while /dev/null permission was 600, php couldn't use mysql.sock. That's all, sorry for wasting your time Pierre
in /dev/null no one can hear your scream...
Turkish Archlinux & KDEmod Mirror Administrator ~