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Yesterday I made a package for the cvs version of Parma Polyhedra Lib, since I needed to install it in my system.
The lib works using Prolog, but it may use many versions including SWI prolog and Ciao prolog and it actually needs only one. Since I installed SWI prolog I put in the depends array of the PKGBUILD file swi-prolog, but I was wondering if it is possible to express that a program need at least one dependence.
If the various "prologs" are just drop in replacements of each other, the best way is to have them provide "prolog" using the provides() array. Your program can then just depend on prolog.
Fair enough, but I am not the maintainer of all the prolog packages...
Secondly it won't solve an other problem that or dep may solve:
Program X needs Y.
Y program is updated to version n+1 from n and this upgrade adds a bug. X stop working.
In the n + k version finally Y is fixed and X return working. We would need to say that X depends on Y<=n OR Y>=n+k...
That's not necessary, Arch only has one package at a time (not multiple versions), so all you need is Y>=n+k