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where is the xterm configuration file? i would like to change the back ground color and font size.
xterm is configured in .Xdefaults... for example like that:
xterm*dynamicColors:: true
xterm*background:: black
xterm*foreground:: white
xterm*utf8:: 2
xterm*eightBitInput:: true
xterm*saveLines:: 32767
xterm*scrollTtyKeypress:: true
xterm*scrollTtyOutput:: false
xterm*scrollBar:: false
xterm*loginShell:: true
xterm*faceName:: Monospace:pixelsize=11
xterm*jumpScroll:: true
xterm*multiScroll:: true
xterm*toolBar:: false
xterm*geometry:: 100x30
you might have to watch out for the double colons in my example - if there are parsing errors when you run xrdb .Xdefaults change them to single colons.
where is .Xdefaults located?
in ~/ (your home dir)
if it's not there you'll have to create it I guess...
thanks i got it working!
Sure thing
You can get a whole bunch of configs from archers for many applications here:
I'm not sure it's official or anything. I saw codemac post it once and I've remembered it since.
Pages: 1