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i want to create the PKGBUILD, but i can't...
pkgdesc="Gretl - a gnu version for Eviews"
depends=('gtk' 'libxml' 'lapack' 'blas' 'fftw3' 'gnuplot')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/gretl-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install
is that ok?
i have some newbie doubts...
executing the pkgbuild will download the gretl-1.6.5.tar.bz2 and will enter to the folder?
or do i need to download the source, uncompress it and the runing the pkgbuild, wich will be inside gretl-1.6.5?
this package is very usefull, and is very strange that doesn't appear on AUR or the the repos...
another famous package i couldn't find was r-cran (, if i get lucky with gretl, maybe i will do a pkgbuild for him
thanks for your advices
A good starting point is: … _Standards
You might also look at "man makepkg", if you haven't already done so. The source tarball will be downloaded and unpacked automatically, if everything is set up properly.
You need a contributor line showing your name and email.
You don't need to include the package name in your pkgdesc, as the description will always be displayed next to the name in the AUR.
According to the gretl home page, Eviews is only a subset of what gretl does. Arch users searching the AUR for regression, econometrics, or time-series keywords might not find your package. You might consider using the title from the gretl home page:
pkgdesc="Gnu regression, econometrics, and time-series library"
license should be an array, not a string
Why is your source given as ""? Is this a typo? Sourceforge downloads usually use "".
You need to provide an MD5 sum for the download.
Why do you need the gretl.install file?
Since the gretl name and version are legal in the AUR, you can use $pkgname and $pkgver in your source line and build script.
Important build steps need to be protected with "|| return 1".
There is at least one problem with your depends line: gretl tries to link to libxml2, not libxml.
gretl will not build on my system, so there may be some compilation issues that you will need to sort out as well. The error messages I saw point toward the linear algebra side of things.
Once you get the package to build, namcap can help with the depends. The makedepends are trickier.
i can't
i just tried to compile it, but i couldn't
it gives me an error, about lapack. it says that lapack isn't installed, but it is
i made a
./configure --with -lapack-prefix=/usr/lib
and the error persists
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