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How do I mount my second hard drive? I know to mount a cd it's mount /mnt/cdrom what path can I use to get to hdb? or is it hd1? what's the deal here? I feel real dumb but I'd really like the extra 250gb of space. thanks folks.
man mount, man fstab
Look in dmesg for info about your drive's device name.
Mount it wherever you want, you just need to create a directory to use as a mountpoint and if it hasn't been done already format and partition the drive.
mount /dev/hb[partition number] /mnt [or media!]/ [directory name!]
mount /dev/hdb1 /media/my_other_drive
To have drive mounted at boot then it needs to be added to fstab
post back if you still have problems
Mr Green
mrblondeisback, you have to understand some things :
There is a file /etc/fstab in which you define the mountable devices at boot time, or their paths for later use ( for example you can use mount /dev/cdrom because an entry in this file like this exist : /dev/cdrom /mount/cdrom ro 0 0 )
For details always read the man pages as they describe the best what has to be done.
you have to create a directory first of all for your mounted device, like /mnt/drive
then you can also manually mount a device, by specifying the device and the folder, or like i previously said, just the device's name and mount will search in fstab for the entry and use the options.
Tomk said to look in dmsg :
This means there is a log file (files) that tell what happens if you do something to the computer :
When you plug your drive in your usb port, kernel sends messages about it, and will tell wich device is used for your drive :
To follow what happens to the log file use this command :
tail -f /var/log/dmesg.log # tail is the command wich shows you the tail of a file, -f is to tell tail to follow the changes
Have fun !
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