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I have installed the latest release on a Dell D600 and when do "startx fluxbox" or "startx enlightenment" nothing happens, just return to error messages!
I looked on /var/log/xorg.log and nothing special there.
Where can I start troubleshooting?
Something strange I noticed is when did "hwd -xa" got an error message "segment violation"
Any idea?
First, I assume that you have Xorg packages installed.
Next I assume that you have the Fluxbox and/or Enlightenment installed.
What are the settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
To be a preacher requires two apparently contradictory qualities: confidence and humility.
I believe xorg's log is /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Well I only installed Archinux yesterday, but had a problem with the xorg-xinit package when installing the x-server and related stuff.
Pacman complained that the xorg-xinit package was corrupted, couldn't verify the package signature, and didn't install it. That package provides "startx".
It might be worth running pacman -S xorg-xinit again, and see what happens.
It's probably also worth checking which video driver is being used in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Mine uses the trident one, but I also installed the vesa one just in case of any problems, but hwd -xa set up the trident one ok. They do suggest the vesa one if you're not sure. I havn't been able to see if x works yet, as I'm downloading KDE (on dialup). Thankfully it hasn't long to go.
btw. If the xorg-xinit package is showing as corrupted, you'll have to remove it from /var/cache/pacman, run pacman -Sy again, followed by redownloading the package again with pacman -S xorg-xinit, and hope that it was just a bad download the first time, which is what I will do.
All the best.
Nigel. aka speakeasy.
First, I assume that you have Xorg packages installed.
Next I assume that you have the Fluxbox and/or Enlightenment installed.
What are the settings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
How can I post the settings from xorg.conf?
Put them on and post a link here.
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
But question is How can I do that from console?
Remember that my problem is can't start xorg.
But question is How can I do that from console?
Remember that my problem is can't start xorg.
I guess you can't. You could however upload your xorg.conf and your Xorg.0.log somewhere via links (for example on and put a link here on the forum
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