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Today I upgraded Opera from testing and it now has flash support with nspluginwrapper! Now I have a perfectly working and fast backup browser incase Konqueror doesn't want to work. I try to keep away from Gtk+ and 32bit apps because they can slow down my KDE I love 64bit
I've seen some gnash developers talking with Opera developers on the gnash devel mailing list. Internal Opera version should already be able to run flash with recent gnash snapshots and some patches. We'll see.
Also --notryicon option is still broken and gtk filepicker is not used as promised in Xfce.
Today I upgraded Opera from testing and it now has flash support with nspluginwrapper! Now I have a perfectly working and fast backup browser incase Konqueror doesn't want to work. I try to keep away from Gtk+ and 32bit apps because they can slow down my KDE I love 64bit
I agree entirely with you, i don't want any 32bits apps on my system
Penguins do it better
But doesn't the nspluginwrapper still need 32 bit aps? Isn't it just a patch? Sorry if that's a stupid question...
It works, but its dead slow and crashes opera for me.
Gnash doesn't cut it for me, and swfdec doesn't either. So I'm stuck with nspluginwrapper, which uses 32bit libs. I try to avoid 32bit libs, but I need decent flash support
i am using opera 9.50 beta 1 but for x86_64 and flash works with npluginwrapper.
you can find the port for x86_64 in their ftp. but they provide only the beta 1 not the later build (which are more buggy by the way)
here is a PKGBUILD
pkgdesc="The Opera web browser"
source=( opera.desktop)
md5sums=('bdd62bf0fd8d5ae950caa4752485f80b' 'a20cda73b26bb945b6d909a16d33acf8')
build() {
cd $startdir/src/opera-9.50-20071024.2-shared-qt.x86_64-1643
# sed 's|/usr/X11R6/lib/mozilla/plugins=1|/opt/mozilla/lib/plugins=1|' -i ini/pluginpath.ini || return 1
./ --DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications/
install -m 644 $startdir/src/opera.desktop $startdir/pkg/usr/share/applications
cp -a usr/share/{icons,pixmaps} $startdir/pkg/usr/share
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/custom/opera
install -m644 LICENSE $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/custom/opera/license.txt
Last edited by solstice (2007-11-13 13:12:09)
Flash works nice with ndiswrapper!
Opera still has some temprorarly freezings when browsing. Depending on the website 10...20sec later its Ok again.
Actually I hope Adobe could release a 64bit flash soon. Same is true for Skype and Google-Earth.