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I'm new to the Arch Linux but I'm fascinated by it. However after upgrading to a new kernel with pacman i countered a problem with nvidia drivers. I have geforce 7300go on my laptop and with earlier kernel it was running smoothly, but after upgrade i can't get it started. I tried reinstalling drivers - no luck,tried installing new ones from nvidia site - no luck,tried deleting everything and starting a new fresh installation - no luck either. Now i get error that says "Failed to load module "nvidia" ( module does not exist, 0 )". At the moment drivers are installed, i did 'modprobe nvidia' but after 'startx' i get the same error. Any ideas?
Oh Snap!!
Hello NeekO,
Unfortunatly there is a problem with Nvidia 7300 model and Nvidia's latest drivers.
This is something which belongs to Nvidia and which as nothing to do with Linux Kernel or Archlinux.
You may have a look at this post and the other links mentioned in the post to solve your problem.
I hope it helped !
Thx chicha i will try to take the best of your advise. If that won't help i shall try downgrading kernel, so far it worked with it
thx again
Arch Linux 4ever
Oh Snap!!
Do not hesitate to come back here if you still encounter problems.
You should not need to download and install a new kernel, the one provided by Arch works like a charm :-)
i was wondering here, how can i (by updating with pacman) update only things i need and discard any inconvenient packages? kernel for an example...
Oh Snap!!
check man pacman.conf for ignore packages may be what you need.....
Mr Green I like Landuke!
the latest nvidia driver *.19 *.23 don´t work very well in the *.22 and .23 kernels.
X freezes after a while.
A lot of freezing reports there.
I checked some other forums, like those from ubuntu, Sabayon, etc.
All distros have the freezng issue now with the newer kernels and nvidia drivers
And somehow no one can locate the real bug.
Last edited by mic64 (2007-10-29 09:47:57)
Well i somehow managed to get nvidia drivers ( from nvidia site ) work... But with *22 kernel.. Tried downgrading kernel from *23 to *22, then installed older drivers than the ones in pacman and got error when modprobing nvidia that said smth about nvidia module not existing in /proc/modules. So i removed that package and tried installing drivers downloaded from site. And it worked.. tried using kde with compiz-fusion - it runs smoothly
at last
Oh Snap!!
check man pacman.conf for ignore packages may be what you need.....
Thx got it all working as i wanted
Oh Snap!!
Pages: 1