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How about making psearch more colorful? I think this is more readable:
Here is psearch file:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
from psearch import *
from getopt import *
def usage():
""" displays the help message then exits """
print bold + "psearch v1.1 " + neutral + "- written by Justin Cameron (\n"
print "Usage: " + bold + "psearch " + neutral + "[ options ] <string>"
print bold + "Options:"
print " --aur, -a"
print neutral + " Include the Arch User Repository in the search\n"
print bold + " --allpackages=<repository>, -A <repository>"
print neutral + " List all packages in <repository>\n"
print bold + " --compact, -c"
print neutral + " Use compact output (displays less information)\n"
print bold + " --depends=<package>, -d <package>"
print neutral + " Display packages that depend on <package>\n"
print bold + " --format, -f"
print neutral + " Use custom output format (see man page for details)\n"
print bold + " --group=<group>, -g <group>"
print neutral + " Display all packages that are members of <group>\n"
print bold + " --help, -h"
print neutral + " Display this help dialog\n"
print bold + " --info, -I"
print neutral + " Display pacman and repository information\n"
print bold + " --instonly, -i"
print neutral + " Only display packages that are installed\n"
print bold + " --listfiles=<package>, -l <package>"
print neutral + " List files owned by <package>\n"
print bold + " --noinstonly, -n"
print neutral + " Only display packages that are not installed\n"
print bold + " --upgradeonly, -u"
print neutral + " Only display packages that are installed and have a newer version available\n"
print bold + " --omit=<string>, -o <string>"
print neutral + " Omit a string from the results (helpful to narrow searches)\n"
print bold + " --owns=<file>, -O <file>"
print neutral + " Display information for the package that owns <file>\n"
print bold + " --pkginfo=<package>, -p <package>"
print neutral + " Display information for <package>\n"
print bold + " --rep=<repository>, -r <repository>"
print neutral + " Only search in <repository>\n"
print bold + " --strict, -s"
print neutral + " Match package name only, not name and description\n"
print bold + " --reverse, -v"
print neutral + " Reverse output (display from Z-A instead of A-Z)\n"
print bold + " --nocolor, -x"
print neutral + " Suppress all color from output\n"
print bold + " --boldonly, -X"
print neutral + " Suppress all color from output, but keep bolded text\n"
print " Try " + bold + "man psearch" + neutral + " for more details"
def help():
print ""
print bold + "Usage: psearch " + neutral + "[options] <string>"
print bold + "Options: " + neutral + "[aAdfghiIlnucrsoOpvxX]"
print neutral + "For more help try " + bold + "psearch --help" + neutral,
print "or consult the man page"
print ""
def kill_color(keepbold):
global blue
global white
global cyan
global red
global grey
global neutral
global bold
blue = ""
cyan = ""
grey = ""
white = ""
red = ""
if not keepbold:
neutral = ""
bold = ""
def convert_size(x):
x = int(x)
x = x / 1024
if x < 999:
x = str(x)
elif x < 999999:
x = str(x)
x = x[:-3] + "," + x[-3:]
elif x < 999999999:
x = str(x)
x = x[:-3] + "," + x[-3:]
x = x[:-7] + "," + x[-7:]
x = str(x)
return x + " kB"
# formats long strings to wrap nicely given a
# string and space buffer
def format_text(s, b):
width = int(os.popen("stty size").read().split()[1])
if len(s) <= width - b:
return s
result = ""
n = width - b
s += " "
while len(s) > 0:
result += b*" " + s[:n]
while not result.endswith(" ") and not result.endswith(".") and not result.endswith(","):
s = result[-1] + s
result = result[:-1]
s = s[n:]
result += "\n"
return result[b:].strip()
# like format_text, but specifically for compact output
def format_compact_text(s, b):
width = int(os.popen("stty size").read().split()[1])
if len(s) <= width - (b + 10):
return s
s += " "
result = s[:width - (b + 10)]
s = s[width - (b + 10):]
n = width - 4
while len(s) > 0:
while not result.endswith(" ") and not result.endswith(".") and not result.endswith("-") and not result.endswith(","):
s = result[-1] + s
result = result[:-1]
result += "\n " + s[:n].strip()
s = s[n:].strip()
return result
# print error message and exit
def error(msg):
print red + "Error:" + neutral, msg, neutral
# print error then list valid repositories
def rep_error(rep):
print red + "Error: " + bold + rep + neutral + " is not a valid repository"
print "Available repositories are:"
print blue + " :: " + bold + "aur"
print blue + " :: " + bold + "local"
for i in rep_list():
print blue + " :: " + bold + i
print neutral
# package information
def show_pkg_info(pkg):
if pkg_version_installed(pkg) != None:
installed = True
installed = False
data = pkg_info(pkg, installed)
o = [blue + " > " + bold + pkg + neutral + " information:"]
if installed:
if data[11]:
reason = "Explicitly installed"
reason = "Installed as a dependency"
if len(data[13]) == 0:
deps = "None "
deps = ""
for i in data[13]:
deps += i + ", "
if len(data[14]) == 0:
req = "None "
req = ""
for i in data[14]:
req += i + ", "
if len(data[15]) == 0:
conflicts = "None "
conflicts = ""
for i in data[15]:
conflicts += i + ", "
# some casting must be done since some values may be None
o.append(grey + " Package name : " + neutral + pkg)
o.append(grey + " Package version : " + neutral + data[0])
o.append(grey + " Packaged by : " + neutral + data[6])
o.append(grey + " Homepage : " + neutral + str(data[5]))
o.append(grey + " License : " + neutral + str(data[7]))
o.append(grey + " Group : " + neutral + str(data[3]))
o.append(grey + " Architecture : " + neutral + data[8])
o.append(grey + " Installed size : " + neutral
+ convert_size(data[2]))
o.append(grey + " Build date : " + neutral + data[9])
o.append(grey + " Install date : " + neutral + data[10])
o.append(grey + " Reason installed : " + neutral + reason)
o.append(grey + " Dependencies : " + neutral
+ format_text(deps[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Required by : " + neutral
+ format_text(req[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Conflicts with : " + neutral
+ format_text(conflicts[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Description : " + neutral
+ format_text(data[1], 23))
if len(data[6]) == 0:
deps = "None "
deps = ""
for i in data[6]:
deps += i + ", "
if len(data[7]) == 0:
replaces = "None "
replaces = ""
for i in data[7]:
replaces += i + ", "
if len(data[8]) == 0:
conflicts = "None "
conflicts = ""
for i in data[8]:
conflicts += i + ", "
# some casting must be done since some values may be None
o.append(grey + " Repository : " + neutral + data[4])
o.append(grey + " Package name : " + neutral + pkg)
o.append(grey + " Package version : " + neutral + data[0])
o.append(grey + " Group : " + neutral + str(data[3]))
o.append(grey + " Download size : " + neutral
+ convert_size(data[2]))
o.append(grey + " Dependencies : " + neutral
+ format_text(deps[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Conflicts with : " + neutral
+ format_text(conflicts[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Replaces : " + neutral
+ format_text(replaces[:-2], 23))
o.append(grey + " Description : " + neutral
+ format_text(data[1], 23))
o.append(grey + " MD5 sum : " + neutral + data[5])
for i in o:
print i
print ""
error(bold + pkg + neutral + " was not found.")
# file owner
def owns(filename):
pkg = file_owner(filename)
if pkg != None:
print blue + " > " + bold + pkg + neutral + " owns " + bold + filename + neutral
print blue + "> " + neutral + "No package owns " + bold + filename + neutral
except Exception, msg:
error(bold + filename + ": " + neutral + str(msg))
# pacman and repository information
def show_info():
pacman_version = pkg_info("pacman", True)[0]
pacman_cache = str(cache_total_packages()) + " packages, "
pacman_cache += "(" + convert_size(cache_size()) + ")"
reps = rep_list()
print blue + " > " + bold + "Pacman version: " + neutral + pacman_version
print blue + " > " + bold + "Pacman cache: " + neutral + pacman_cache
print blue + " > " + bold + "Repositories:" + neutral
for i in reps:
print blue + " :: " + bold + i + neutral
print " Last update: " + rep_last_update(i)
print " " + str(rep_number_of_packages(i)) + " packages available"
# list files owned by a package
def list_files(pkg):
files = pkg_files(pkg)
print blue + "> " + neutral + "Contents of " + bold + pkg + neutral
for f in files:
s = "/" + f
if s.endswith("/"):
s = bold + s[:-1] + neutral
print s
error("package " + bold + pkg + neutral + " was not found")
# list dependencies
def depends(pkg):
info = pkg_info(pkg, True)
if len(info[14]) == 0:
print "No package requires " + bold + pkg + neutral
print bold + pkg + neutral + " is required by: "
for i in info[14]:
print blue + " > " + bold + i + neutral
error(bold + pkg + neutral + " was not found.")
# similar to portage's --pretend; list packages that would
# be upgraded or installed should an upgrad be performed
def pretend():
dump = os.popen("pacman -Qu").read().split()
print dump
# populate the results
def populate(style):
global final_results
if style == "search":
if aur or use == "aur":
print blue + " > " + bold + " Resolving " + cyan + "",
print bold + "... " + neutral,
final_results = aur_search(regex, strict)
print ""
print "failed!"
if use != "aur":
final_results.extend(pkg_search(regex, use, strict))
final_results = pkg_search(regex, use, strict)
elif style == "all":
final_results = rep_packages(all_packages)
elif style == "group":
final_results = pkg_group_packages(group)
# find the ultimate results
def find_results():
if use == "all" or use == "local":
# first, find local packages to try to find any package
# that doesn't belong to a repository
tmp_pkgs = pkg_search(regex, "local", strict)
local_pkgs = []
for i in tmp_pkgs:
for j in final_results:
if i[1] == j[1]:
omitlist = []
ver = None
for i in final_results:
# find stat the package
pkg_stat = grey + "N"
ver = pkg_version_installed(i[1])
if ver != None:
if i[2] == ver:
pkg_stat = bold + "I"
pkg_stat = cyan + "U"
# find results to omit, if any
if omit != None and (omit in i[1] or omit in i[3].lower()):
if stat != None:
if stat != pkg_stat[-1]:
if len(omitlist) > 0:
for i in omitlist:
n = len(final_results)
es = ""
s = ""
if n != 1:
es = "es"
# don't display a header if a custom format
# is specified or output is compact
if not compact and format == None:
print blue + " > " + bold + str(n) + " match" + es,
if len(header) == 0:
if len(regex) != 1:
s = "s"
key_terms = ""
for i in regex:
key_terms += i + ", "
key_terms = key_terms[:-2]
key_terms = regex[0]
print "for key term" + s + blue + " [ " + cyan + key_terms + blue + " ]"
print header[0] + blue + " [ " + cyan + header[1] + blue + " ]"
print neutral
# reverse results if necessary
if reverse:
o = []
for i in final_results:
inst_ver = pkg_version_installed(i[1])
if inst_ver == None:
inst_ver = ""
if format != None:
s = format
s = s.replace("\\n", "\n")
s = s.replace("\\t", "\t")
s = s.replace("%r", i[0])
s = s.replace("%n", i[1])
s = s.replace("%p", i[0] + "/" + i[1])
s = s.replace("%vl", i[2])
s = s.replace("%vi", inst_ver)
if i[0] == "aur":
s = s.replace("%s", i[4])
s = s.replace("%s", convert_size(i[4]))
s = s.replace("%d", i[3])
s = s.replace("%ccyan", cyan)
s = s.replace("%cdcyan", darkcyan)
s = s.replace("%cwhite", white)
s = s.replace("%cgrey", grey)
s = s.replace("%cdgrey", darkgrey)
s = s.replace("%cblack", black)
s = s.replace("%cred", red)
s = s.replace("%cdred", darkred)
s = s.replace("%cgreen", green)
s = s.replace("%cdgreen", darkgreen)
s = s.replace("%cpurple", purple)
s = s.replace("%cdpurple", darkpurple)
s = s.replace("%cyellow", yellow)
s = s.replace("%cbrown", brown)
s = s.replace("%coff", neutral)
s = s.replace("%cbold", bold)
o.append(s + neutral)
if compact:
s = blue + "[" + i[-1] + blue + "] " + bold + i[0] + "/" + i[1] + " "
n = len(i[0]) + len(i[1]) + len(i[2])
s += neutral + "(" + i[2] + "): " + format_compact_text(i[3], n)
if i[-1][-1] == "U":
s += " " + blue + "[" + inst_ver + "]" + neutral
if i[-1][-1] == "U":
iv = red + inst_ver
elif i[-1][-1] == "I":
iv = green + inst_ver
iv = blue + "[" + cyan + " Not installed " + blue + "]"
o.append(blue + ":: " + bold + i[0] + "/" + i[1])
o.append(grey + " Latest version : " + yellow + i[2])
o.append(grey + " Version installed : " + neutral + iv)
if i[0] != "aur":
o.append(grey + " Download size : " + purple
+ convert_size(i[4]))
o.append(grey + " Number of votes : " + purple + i[4])
if iv != blue + "[" + cyan + " Not installed " + blue + "]":
o.append(grey + " URL : " + blue + pkg_url(i[1]))
o.append(grey + " Description : " + white
+ format_text(i[3], 25) + "\n")
for i in o:
print i
if __name__ == "__main__":
done = False
aur = False
all_packages = None
reverse = False
strict = False
compact = False
populated = False
group = None
stat = None
omit = None
format = None
use = "all"
header = []
regex = []
final_results = []
# Possible colors to use in output. Not all of these are used by default,
# but may be used if the user defines their own format
darkgrey = "\033[1m\033[30m"
black = "\033[0m\033[30m"
darkgreen = "\033[0m\033[32m"
green = "\033[1m\033[32m"
darkpurple = "\033[0m\033[35m"
purple = "\033[1m\033[35m"
brown = "\033[0m\033[33m"
yellow = "\033[1m\033[33m"
darkblue = "\033[0m\033[34m"
blue = "\033[1m\033[34m"
darkcyan = "\033[0m\033[36m"
cyan = "\033[1m\033[36m"
grey = "\033[0m\033[37m"
white = "\033[1m\033[37m"
darkred = "\033[0m\033[31m"
red = "\033[1m\033[31m"
neutral = "\033[0m"
bold = neutral + "\033[01m"
# Get options
opts = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "aA:d:f:g:hiIl:nuUcr:so:O:p:vxX", ["aur", "allpackages=", "depends=", "format=", "group=", "help", "instonly", "info", "listfiles=", "noinstonly", "upgradeonly", "pretend", "compact", "rep=", "strict", "omit=", "owns=", "pkginfo=", "reverse", "nocolor", "boldonly"])
except GetoptError, errmsg:
error( neutral + "Invalid option or usage. Try " + bold + "psearch --help " + neutral + "or " + bold + "man psearch" + neutral + " for options.")
for i in opts[0]:
arg = i[0]
if arg in ("-a", "--aur"):
aur = True
elif arg in ("-A", "--allpackages"):
all_packages = i[1]
populated = True
header = ["in", i[1]]
elif arg in ("-d", "--depends"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-f", "--format"):
format = i[1]
elif arg in ("-h", "--help"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-i", "--instonly"):
stat = "I"
elif arg in ("-n", "--noinstonly"):
stat = "N"
elif arg in ("-u", "--upgradeonly"):
stat = "U"
elif arg in ("-c", "--compact"):
compact = True
elif arg in ("-r", "--rep"):
use = i[1]
elif arg in ("-s", "--strict"):
strict = True
elif arg in ("-o", "--omit"):
omit = i[1]
elif arg in ("-O", "--owns"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-p", "--pkginfo"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-x", "--nocolor"):
elif arg in ("-X", "--boldonly"):
elif arg in ("-I", "--info"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-v", "--reverse"):
reverse = True
elif arg in ("-l", "--listfiles"):
done = True
elif arg in ("-g", "--group"):
group = i[1]
populated = True
header = ["in group", i[1]]
# break
elif arg in ("-U", "--pretend"):
done = True
if not done:
if len(opts[1]) == 0 and not populated:
elif len(opts[-1]) > 1:
regex = opts[-1]
regex = (opts[1])
if not populated:
populated = True
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print neutral + "... aborting!"
For those who want to get psearch compatiable with pacman 3.1:
NOTE: This is slightly hackish, not for new users though the entire process isn't too hard
* Goto the AUR page for psearch and download the PKGBUILD ( … =1&ID=7821)
* Enter the download directory with the PKGBUILD and run makepkg (no parameters). This should download the source and compile it.
* Open src/psearch-1.7-7/ in your favorite editor
* Modify line 4 from
pacman_lib = "/var/lib/pacman"
pacman_lib = "/var/lib/pacman/sync"
* Save and exit the editor
* Now run makepkg -ie in the dir with the PKGBUILD. Don't forget the -e! Otherwise makepkg will redownload the original source code again and you'll have to make the changes again.
* After install the updated psearch, in your terminal goto /var/lib/pacman/sync
* Run
ln -s ../local local
to create a symbolic link to the local cache for psearch to look through
Last edited by zenix (2008-01-12 23:11:27)
Or simply add this to the build part of the PKGBUILD:
sed -e "s|/var/lib/pacman/|/var/lib/pacman/sync/|g" -i
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/var/lib/pacman/sync
ln -s /var/lib/pacman/local $startdir/pkg/var/lib/pacman/sync/local
That symlink is a really ugly hack
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
shining - I know, but it's the only way psearch will work with pacman 3.1 Ah well, ugly, but it works!
dir - Lol much cleaner than my way. Hopefully wrythe will be able to update psearch
psearch -a pacman
> Resolving ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/psearch", line 615, in <module>
File "/usr/bin/psearch", line 341, in populate
final_results.extend(pkg_search(regex, use, strict))
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/", line 485, in pkg_search
pkgs = rep_packages(r)
File "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/", line 92, in rep_packages
x = os.listdir(pacman_lib + rep)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/pacman/core'
Tried both solutions... what could I've done wrong, any ideas?
Yes, you didn't wait for a psearch update.
Wow, that's exactly what I missed when switching from gentoo to arch... it's a shame I didn't learn about psearch earlier!
Keep up the good work.
deviantART | GitHub |
Yes, may be that psearch could be accepted in a repo. It should not be assimilated to dangerous stuff such as yaourt, because it does not install anything, but only performs searches (also in the AUR, but after that you still have to go in the AUR, look at the comments, download the tarball and all this safe routine ).
Mortuus in anima, curam gero cutis
It is flagged as out of date, and the last comments are a month old, is this still working?
Has anyone fixed the AUR problem after AUR upgrade?