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ACoder is going to be posting soon because he's on my side with the crummy desktop metaphor thing...
Is this about bloated DE's I'm on your side too Dusty. KDE and GNOME are just a festival of bugs.:shock:
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Dusty wrote:ACoder is going to be posting soon because he's on my side with the crummy desktop metaphor thing...
Is this about bloated DE's I'm on your side too Dusty. KDE and GNOME are just a festival of bugs.:shock:
Its not just bloat... its the whole WIMP (Windows Icons Menus Pointers) philosophy. Even fluxbox (which is the second most useful wm I know of) makes bad use of screen real estate.
[Even fluxbox (which is the second most useful wm I know of) makes bad use of screen real estate.
oh yeah that slit just is such a space hog
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
oh yeah that slit just is such a space hog
I never used slit apps.
k no need to defend yourself really as i don't like fluxbox actually
i use BB on my crux install
i don't like icons though i have to swallow one on my mac i do like os x's dock as it reminds me of that ever so useful plugin for gkrellm gkrellmlaunch.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
k no need to defend yourself really as i don't like fluxbox actually
defend myself from you? I don't bother anymore, I just let you steamroll right over me. :-P
i don't like icons though i have to swallow one on my mac i do like os x's dock as it reminds me of that ever so useful plugin for gkrellm gkrellmlaunch.
ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion ion...
ion's are too small and it hurts my eyes to look at them too long.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend