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How do I bind dmenu to mod4 + p as in dwm? I can not figure it out.
Try awesome 1.3
In awesome 1.3 it will be something like this:
(("Mod4"), "p", "spawn", "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -nb '#000000' -nf '#ffffff'` && exec $exe"),
and dwm 4.5
/* dmenu */ \
{ MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu -nb '"NORMBGCOLOR\
"' -sb '"SELBGCOLOR\
"' -sf '"SELFGCOLOR\
"'` && exec $exe" }, \
Works very well, I wasn't sure what to cut/how to format it from the dwm code to the awesome config. Much thanks.
just tried out awesome.. I must say I really like it..
Some questions though:
1. how can I change the font that awesome uses in the panel? --edit: ok.. found out..
2. Is it possible to make i.e. firefox open in desktop 1, everytime it is started?
3. restart to run the new settings?
4. close a window?
5. what do you use to play music in awesome? coming from kde I like to use amarok (mainly because of the humongous shoutcast playlist, and plugin to rip streamed music) but this feels kind of heavy now for some reason..
Last edited by jinn (2007-11-09 21:59:11)
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
just tried out awesome.. I must say I really like it..
Some questions though:
1. how can I change the font that awesome uses in the panel? --edit: ok.. found out..
2. Is it possible to make i.e. firefox open in desktop 1, everytime it is started?
3. restart to run the new settings?
4. close a window?
5. what do you use to play music in awesome? coming from kde I like to use amarok (mainly because of the humongous shoutcast playlist, and plugin to rip streamed music) but this feels kind of heavy now for some reason..
2 - awesome 1.3
in rules
name = "firefox";
tags = "1";
float = false;
3 - only awesome from git
Ctrl + Mod4 + r
4 - by default Shift + Mod4 + c
5 - mpd + mpc and ncmpc
jinn: try moc. it's very simple, works well, and is controllable via keybindings. It doesn't require a database to be build every time you add music to your library.
sweeeet.. or should I say AWESOME!!
Running awesome 1.3 -> the cool tagging stuff
want to run awesome dev -> to reload config BUT no pkgbuild for that.. thinking of making one
gonna try moc, mpd + etc..
unfortunately no good documentation for this.. any good sites?
More questions
1. how have you styled your panel? I really would like to see date and time in the top right corner..
2. would love to see your rc files to get (steal) ideas
3. any more recommendations from my experienced archers?
4. anything for laptops? (battery monitor, warning, suspend etc etc..)
Last edited by jinn (2007-11-09 22:50:47)
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
just get the code from repo, compile it and run awesome from that directory.
here's my config for 1.3 :
Thanks alot!
your script for trayer and the date for panel.. doesnt really work for me.
1. Trayer is not transparent for some reason
2. date doesnt show in panel --Edit fixed.
I have removed some stuff from the script:
trayer --edge bottom --align right --margin 50 --padding 10 \
--width 10 --height 52 --transparent true --alpha 100 --tint 1 &
#nm-applet --sm-disable &
#petla wyswietlajaca informacje
while true
echo -n `date` " | " #`~/.awesome/fan_speed`
sleep 10
done | awesome
My other questions are:
1. is it possible to set shortcut keys in awesomerc for volume control, or do I have to do this in an external script?
Last edited by jinn (2007-11-10 16:49:15)
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
Ok fixed all of the problems. There is an annoying (bug maybe) thing with awesome.. some stuff triggers it to create humongous borders on applications.. after that all newly spawned apps have real fat borders.. really annoying.
any fix for this?
Last edited by jinn (2007-11-11 18:24:14)
The ultimate Archlinux release name: "I am your father"
Pages: 1