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The patch is in the same directory but the makepkg reports cannot find patch...
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Can you post the PKGBUILD?
Elastic Dog;
# Contributor: Darwin Bautista <>
pkgdesc="A replacement for automake"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
# Checkout SVN repository
msg "Checking out SVN repository..."
svn co ${_svntrunk}/${_svnmod}@${pkgver} --config-dir ./ -r ${pkgver} ${_svnmod}
msg "SVN checkout finished or server timed out..."
cd ${startdir}/src/unsermake/
patch -Np1 -i ../unsermake-python25.patch || return 1
install -D -m755 unsermake ${startdir}/pkg/usr/bin/unsermake
mkdir -p ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/unsermake
install -m644 *.py *.um ${startdir}/pkg/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/unsermake/
--- unsermake-20060706.orig/unsermake 2006-07-07 01:07:51.000000000 +0800
+++ unsermake-20060706/unsermake 2007-07-24 11:35:39.000000000 +0800
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-if test -L "$self"; then
- try=`readlink $self 2>/dev/null` && self=$try
-mods=`dirname $self`
-directory=`dirname $mods`
-mod=`basename $mods`
if test -n "$PYTHONPATH"; then
export PYTHONPATH=$directory:$PYTHONPATH
export PYTHONPATH=$directory
-exec python -c "import $mod; $mod.main()" --modules $mods "$@"
+exec python2.5 -c "import $mod; $mod.main()" --modules $mods "$@"
Last edited by lilsirecho (2007-11-14 04:27:53)
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Just from looking at the PKGBUILD, I'd say it's because you never did "cd $stardir/src" at the beginning of the build, and your patch command then looks in the parent directory, which of course, is not the correct location.
Last edited by elasticdog (2007-11-14 16:25:34)
My understanding of PKGBUILD and makepkg has been that it performs within the directory that holds all the data.
I have been mistaken about the use of PKGBUILD therefore since it doesn't always "makepkg" directly from the PKGBUILD script.......
Thanx for the info!!!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
The pkgbuild shows the following:
cd #{startdir}/src/unsermake
What is meant by the term {startdir}?
When is this entry made? The makepkg stops at ....File to patch.... Is it here that I enter the cd$,etc?
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
ok lets make this easier: can you just archive the entire dir and post it somewhere? it's a lot easier that way.
Posted PKGBUILD and Patch in earlier post....
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Halts at .... File to patch....
Directory now has ...PKG....SRC...
SRC has the patch included.
What procedure is required to makepkg with this PKGBUILD?
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
OMG stop bumping. People will help you out when they have the time - bumping constantly won't help.
The message "File to patch" means that the patch command can't find the _FILE_ you want to patch, not the patch itself.
Yea, for the record, the post above that contains the patch and pkgbuild is a PITA to read. I asked for the contents of the package so I could try to build the package myself and see which -Np# option you need.
If you're still reluctant, try changing the patch -Np# in the pkgbuild to 0 or 2 and see if that helps.
I am not aware of what you requested since the data contained in the -svn is just the PKGBUILD and the PATCH as provided in my post.
I have decided to close this posting and skip the package altogether.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!