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First of all, I use KDEmod, and Kmix sucks cause it won't let me change the main mixer from "Headphones" to "Front". Is there any other application that sits on the notification area(system tray) ? i've been looking but I can't find it. It doesn't need to be a KDE app (latest Ubuntu has some nice volume pop-ups )
Second, until Arch recognizes my volume keys (Fn + F3/4) , I thought of binding it to any other keys, but I can't find the XF86AudioUp or something like that. Is there any other way of doing this ?
[raul@horus ~]$ locate XF86AudioRaiseVolume
[raul@horus ~]$ locate XF86
[raul@horus ~]$
That's what I mean
Well that's because what I gave you are key symbols, not Xorg strings that would require a man page.
Use xev to get the keycode of your audio buttons then create a .Xmodmap file binding the key codes to the symbols. Then just run "xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap" and you should be in business. Here is the relevant bits of my .Xmodmap from my Dell lappy.
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
By "main mixer" you mean Master Channel, right?
If it's that, then open kmix, right click on the kmix icon (in the system tray) and select "Change Master Channel"
(Já agora, é bom ver Portugueses de Portugal a usar o ArchLinux )
Last edited by eldarion (2007-11-14 22:51:58)
Cool, almost there How do I specify key combinations in Xmodmap? For example, I want to assign Super+F3 to lower the volume, and the keycodes are 115 and 69.
@ eldarion : um abraço portugues obrigado pela dica do Kmix, funcionou perfeitamente
I tried assigning it to F3 and F4 just for test, audio doesn't go beyond 11%, and when I lower it to 0%, nothing happens. Is it controlling the wrong channel?
Pages: 1