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well I installed gnome today and have it up and running and when I started on compiz-fusion it seemed like a simple package installed but when I ran "pacman -S compiz-fusion" i got this;
[root@myhost george]# pacman -S compiz-fusion
:: group compiz-fusion:
ccsm compiz-core compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main
compizconfig-backend-gconf compizconfig-backend-kconfig emerald
emerald-themes fusion-icon
:: Install whole content? [Y/n] y
resolving dependencies... done.
looking for inter-conflicts... done.
Targets: libgl-7.0.1-1 glproto-1.4.9-1 mesa-7.0.1-1 fuse-2.7.1-1
pkgconfig-0.22-2 compiz-core-0.6.2-2 libcompizconfig-0.6.0-2
pyrex- compizconfig-python- ccsm-0.6.0-2
compiz-bcop-0.6.0-2 compiz-fusion-plugins-main-0.6.0-2
compizconfig-backend-kconfig-0.6.0-2 emerald-0.6.0-2
emerald-themes-0.6.0-2 fusion-icon-20071111-1
Total Package Size: 7.60 MB
Total Installed Size: 18.39 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages from community...
error: failed retrieving file 'libcompizconfig-0.6.0-2.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
compizconfig-backend... 27.2K 181.9K/s 00:00:00 [#####################] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'libcompizconfig-0.6.0-2.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
error: failed retrieving file 'libcompizconfig-0.6.0-2.pkg.tar.gz' from : File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
warning: failed to retrieve some files from community
error: failed to commit transaction (unexpected error)
I have changed the default mirror in pacman.conf but the french one in the above quote is about the 3rd so I dont think that is the problem.
Any suggestions please?
Also would it be a good idea to like convert this into my help thread rather than making new ones during the time i get things sorted or would that add to the the confusion?
oh yeah and please be simple, I failed the bot test when i was registering...
Last edited by r4ndom (2007-11-15 20:43:42)
Offline … y/os/i686/ seems to exist fine and libcompizconfig-0.6.0-3.pkg.tar.gz does, not libcompizconfig-0.6.0-2.pkg.tar.gz This is probably the problem. Try a pacman -Suy first, might help find the right version.
Why are they in community repo btw?
if that question was directed at me: i have no idea... Having tried that command you suggested though it installed okay and I've enabled the fuse module and node as pacman instructed just rebooting now to see how that and a few other changes take affect.