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yeah that would be cool then i could put phoenix in the unstable tree for all to install easily with pacman -S
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Ok i have no prob uploading it for you guys.. only one problem.. i can't see a post-remove section in the install.phoenix file.. here's what is in it.. tell me where to add the command you mentioned:
# arg 1: the new package version
post_install() {
if ! [ `grep '/opt/phoenix/lib' etc/` ]; then
echo "/opt/phoenix/lib" >> etc/
sbin/ldconfig -r .
# arg 1: the new package version
# arg 2: the old package version
post_upgrade() {
# arg 1: the old package version
pre_remove() {
cat etc/ | grep -v '/opt/phoenix/lib' > etc/
mv -f etc/ etc/
chmod 644 etc/
sbin/ldconfig -r .
$op $*
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
It's simple, just add the following in the file. After the pre_remove will work.
post_remove() {
rm -rf /opt/phoenix
It's simple, just add the following in the file. After the pre_remove will work.
post_remove() { rm -rf /opt/phoenix }
Hehe, never heard of this method, but it's nice :-D . Actually I ment the pre_remove() section, just made a little mistake.
Actually, I only recall using this once so I could be completely off since I can't find the pkg I used it in.
Ok. I have finally uploaded a build of mozilla for everyone. It is compiled for GTK2 with XFT enabled.. works nice and is quite fast.. the libraries, includes, and the main pkg are all on
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Uhm, the mozilla I had uploaded already had gtk2 and xft support. I thought that was already mentioned when I announced it.
Oh well, the more the merrier, eh?
Most people won't require the libs or includes though so I kept them off the ftp.
The main reason i uploaded mine is because your build wouldn't work for me.. it might work for others.. but i figured.. might as well have more than one option for people.
I bought a dog the other day...I named him Stay. It's fun to call him... "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and drools.
Even the latest version which was recently put on the ftp didn't work? I know the original xft had problems with a library file. That package got removed way back though. This latest version worked on several different systems.