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Thank you both that's fixed and on aur hope you don't mind Jason5876 pretty much took you're PKGBUILD and patch.
If someone doesn't mind so I can understand a little more and not hassle you kind people so much. Could someone enlighten me how you approached what needed changing or is this something that comes from writing lots of C/C++?
Well, the logic might be something that comes from writing code, but because the problem was in a Makefile, it had nothing to do with C/C++. IIRC, my train of thought was along the lines of:
Well, it's installing to the wrong place so it's Makefile-related.
Autoconf uses and, so let's look for those.
Now, since it's in $startdir/pkg$startdir/pkg, that implies that, somewhere in the MAkefiles, it's using $(DESTDIR)$(DESTDIR) or something like that.
Then I noticed in the doc they had
gnubg_helpdir = $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir)/doc
but a similarly named variable,
gnubg_imagedir = $(pkgdatadir)/doc/images
. So, since I was looking for an extra DESTDIR, I guessed (half-correctly) that the extra one was coming from the declaration of gnubg_helpdir.
Jason figured out the rest - once I removed that copy of $(DESTDIR), he re-added it _only_ in the places it was needed (ie. in a couple of the install rules)
Thank you again I have to say I find this community the best of the lot.
The more experienced users help the noobs like me far more than some of the other distros I've seen. The info from above helped me understand a lot more hopefully next time I can at least work towards the patch.