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I have a Dell Latitude D610. I'm trying to get the lower volume, raise volume and mute keys to work in Arch. I put the following in .Xmodmap:
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
In .xinitrc:
# merge in defaults and keymaps
if [ -f $userresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $userresources
if [ -f $usermodmap ]; then
xmodmap $usermodmap
I used this information from the Gentoo D610 wiki ( In fact, when I had Gentoo on this laptop, it worked. However, it doesn't work in Arch. Any ideas?
Make sure the keycodes are correct using "xev"
My blog:
Jabber ID:
Yes, I checked. They are
it worked.
What worked? What were/are you using to interpret these maps?
Cthulhu For President!
The multimedia keys worked. I did the exact same thing and the multimedia keys (mute, vol up, vol down) functioned as expected. Pressing the mute button would mute, etc...
The multimedia keys worked. I did the exact same thing and the multimedia keys (mute, vol up, vol down) functioned as expected. Pressing the mute button would mute, etc...
When you push a button on your keyboard, there must be some software to interpret the event and respond accordingly. As the guide there indicates the use of lineakd, are you using that?
Most modern window managers have multimedia key support. Are you using a window manager? If so, which one?
How do you expect the computer to react when you press a key? Lineak specifically asks you to tell it what commands you want to run when keys are pressed. See arch's wiki for details.
Something along the lines of
amixer sset Master 5-
to lower volume, etc., is generally appropriate.
Cthulhu For President!
Of course. I can't believe I forgot that!
Using openbox. Added to rc.xml:
<keybind key="XF86AudioMute">
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Master toggle</execute>
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Headphone toggle</execute>
<keybind key="XF86AudioRaiseVolume">
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Master 5+</execute>
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Headphone 5+</execute>
<keybind key="XF86AudioLowerVolume">
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Master 5-</execute>
<action name="Execute">
<execute>amixer sset Headphone 5-</execute>
hi guys
i´m using openbox too and would like to use this "feature".
my ~/,Xmodmap looks like that:
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
i´ve added your code for the ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml at the end in the keyboard section but it doesnt work...:(
of course i run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap first but nothing happend...
Last edited by harry (2007-12-23 14:37:18)
harry, the keycodes he has listed are specific to his laptop. to get the correct keycodes for your keyboard, open a terminal and run the program xev. while this is running press one of the multimedia keys and xev will spit out alot of output, including the keycodes. put the correct keycodes into the spots in his .Xmodmap file and you should be good to go.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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sorry for first pushing and then not answering
in fact i have the same keycode´s as lithium although i´ve got a completely different notebook (samsung)
well i´ve already solved the problem for myself, i copied lithium´s code in the wrong section in the rc.xml
now it would be nice to have a feedback when pressing the mute button or rise the volume.
have seen such a osd recently on a ubuntu box with compiz, where a conventionalized speaker fades in when you press a multimedia key, looks good
is it possible to have that osd(or a similar one) with openbox?
thx in advance
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