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I just managed to get wireless working on my laptop, but it does not start on boot.
I have made a network-profile and referred to it from rc.conf.
It just gives a timeout error when booting, and the same if I try to start it with netcfg. But if I run "iwlist wlan0 scan" first and then netcfg its running fine.
Can anyone help me fix this?
Is something missing when booting?
please try netcfg2, it handles this particular harware use case and will very shortly replace netcfg
I am using netcfg2 and I still was having problems till I ran iwlist wlan0 scan. I was getting the "wireless association failed" error
Oops. My bad. It's there but commented.
Edit /usr/lib/network/wireless.subr and uncomment line 109. It'll be uncommented in the next release.
Well that worked for one night.. but it's not working again. wireless association failed. Is there a file that lists a more verbose error message?
I have exactly the same problem........ any solution for that in the meanwhile?
Last edited by FightRight (2007-12-12 08:59:34)
Ps: Sorry for my bad english
hmm,.. iv'e also had these problems and had to switch to cable(as opposed to wifi) to fix them
KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein
I can`t believe that we are the only one who have this problem. I spend yesterday a couple of hours to find a bug in the network scripts. But i don't found a solution.
I hope anyone can help because its a hard bug in my opinion.
Ps: Sorry for my bad english
some drivers need that. There also seems to be a problem with a recent kernel that causes similar behaviour.
FightRight: It should still work after rebooting, did you upgrade your kernel or change anything else? Was netcfg2 updated? in which case, you'd need to uncomment it again.
test1000: have you tried my suggestion?
If uncommenting is not enough, you could also do PRE_UP="iwlist $INTERFACE scan"
Last edited by iphitus (2007-12-13 11:01:53)
FightRight: It should still work after rebooting, did you upgrade your kernel or change anything else? Was netcfg2 updated? in which case, you'd need to uncomment it again.
Hi James
I have upgrade my Kernel and the netcfg2 scripts but there is still the same problem. Maybe i should uninstall all of these things and reinstall it again.
The mysterious thing is if i reboot my system i get an error "Wireless assosiation failed". If i open a term and repeat often the commend /etc/rc.d/net-profiles restart sometimes it helps to get a connection. But then i have to set the default route to gateway.
You see it is all a little bit crazy on my machine.:rolleyes:
Ps: Sorry for my bad english
try setting a higher timeout in the network profile, maybe TIMEOUT=20 or 30. Also try adding the option i mentioned above...
As i said, someone did complain about the last kernel update, so you could try rolling that back a release to see if it's solved.
I just found out how to solve this problem for me:D
I am using an Asus PCMCIA card that uses the rt2500 driver, and I remembered that I read once when using pclinuxos that it automatically would use the rt2500pci driver. So I tried to put it under MOD_BLACKLIST in rc.conf, which resulted in no network. I then put rt2500 under MODULES to load at bootup. This caused it to be configured as ra0 and not wlan0 anymore, so I just changed that in my network-profile, and now everything is working at bootup, and also the connection is much better.