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Pages: 1
In AUR there is a userspace driver package for my smart-card reader (cyberjack). The PKGBUILD doesn't set all things right during installation.
To use the cyberjack driver the users must member of the group "cyberjack"
During installation of the package, the group isn't set up, so I have to made it by hand.
Ok, now the question ;-) I looked around in /etc/group. All udev groups have a number smaller than 100. Is there any specification for this types of groups?
Next question ;-)
Is it okay, to make a
groupadd -G XXX cyberjack in PKGBUILD during installation?
Is it okay, to make a
groupadd -G XXX cyberjack in PKGBUILD during installation?
It should be ok but you could use it only for your user if you hardwire it there. It's not that big deal to do it by hand. But it gets tiring doing it all the time for different packages .
The driver package has been updated, and handles the cyberjack group during installation.
Frumpus ♥ addict
[mu'.krum.pus], [frum.pus]
Pages: 1