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#1 2007-12-26 20:53:19

Registered: 2007-12-10
Posts: 77

Amsn with antialiased fonts problem

I followed this guide to recompile amsn. … ased_fonts

The whole procedure completed without any errors but when I try to run amsn I get this message and amsn doesn't even start.

$ amsn
Error in startup script: extra characters after close-brace
    while executing
"set command [list  $self  {expand}$Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option)  $option]
    invoked from within
"if {$Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option) eq ""} {
                set command [list set ${selfns}::options($option)]
            } else {
    (procedure "snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand" line 32)
    invoked from within
"snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand  $type $selfns $win $self $option"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.method.configurelist" line 7)
    invoked from within
"::snit::RT.method.configurelist $type $selfns $win $self $args"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.method.configure" line 4)
    invoked from within
"$self configure -width $arrow1width"
    (procedure "::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_constructor" line 154)
    invoked from within
"::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_constructor ::pixmapscrollbar ::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_inst1 .plugins_log.ys .plugins_log.ys -command { yview}"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [linsert $arglist 0  ${type}::Snit_constructor $type $selfns $instance $instance]"
    (procedure "RT.ConstructInstance" line 9)
    invoked from within
"RT.ConstructInstance $type $selfns $name $args"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create" line 53)
    invoked from within
"scrollbar $window.ys -command "$ yview""
    (procedure "::pluginslog::draw" line 12)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if { $initialize_amsn == 1 } {
    (file "pluginslog.tcl" line 210)
    invoked from within
"source pluginslog.tcl"
    ("uplevel" body line 27)
    invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 {

        # amsncore.tcl is already loaded but we'll re-source it here in case we manually do reload_files
        source amsncore.tcl
    (procedure "reload_files" line 2)
    invoked from within
    (file "/usr/bin/amsn" line 250)
[axel@aeris ~]$ pacman -R tcl-devel
error: you cannot perform this operation unless you are root.
[axel@aeris ~]$ amsn
Error in startup script: extra characters after close-brace
    while executing
"set command [list  $self  {expand}$Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option)  $option]
    invoked from within
"if {$Snit_optionInfo(configure-$option) eq ""} {
                set command [list set ${selfns}::options($option)]
            } else {
    (procedure "snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand" line 32)
    invoked from within
"snit::RT.CacheConfigureCommand  $type $selfns $win $self $option"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.method.configurelist" line 7)
    invoked from within
"::snit::RT.method.configurelist $type $selfns $win $self $args"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.method.configure" line 4)
    invoked from within
"$self configure -width $arrow1width"
    (procedure "::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_constructor" line 154)
    invoked from within
"::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_constructor ::pixmapscrollbar ::pixmapscrollbar::Snit_inst1 .plugins_log.ys .plugins_log.ys -command { yview}"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [linsert $arglist 0  ${type}::Snit_constructor $type $selfns $instance $instance]"
    (procedure "RT.ConstructInstance" line 9)
    invoked from within
"RT.ConstructInstance $type $selfns $name $args"
    (procedure "::snit::RT.widget.typemethod.create" line 53)
    invoked from within
"scrollbar $window.ys -command "$ yview""
    (procedure "::pluginslog::draw" line 12)
    invoked from within
    invoked from within
"if { $initialize_amsn == 1 } {
    (file "pluginslog.tcl" line 210)
    invoked from within
"source pluginslog.tcl"
    ("uplevel" body line 27)
    invoked from within
"uplevel \#0 {

        # amsncore.tcl is already loaded but we'll re-source it here in case we manually do reload_files
        source amsncore.tcl
    (procedure "reload_files" line 2)
    invoked from within
    (file "/usr/bin/amsn" line 250)

Anyone knows how to solve this?


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