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Edit: You could just change your .conkyrc to display the info you want in one line, then simply run it from the statusbar config..
<less clever, more fun version>
This is what I would do. Write a shell script for itIn the script:
- Run conky-cli
- "grep" the info you're looking for
- use sed 's/what to remove//' to remove excessive stuff from itthen put it in my home dir as something like .conky2statusbar, make it executable and then add `~\.conky2statusbar` in the statusbar config.
If you have no idea on how to make that shell script, I could try making one for you another day.
</less cleverness>
Thanks! If you can post your script I can try to work out how to adapt it to my needs, it would be lovely!
Also, do I need to add it to the panel section in wmii.rc?
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Here it comes.
My .conkyrc.
CPU:$cpu% RAM:$mem/$memmax Swap:$swap/$swapmax ETH0:Down:${downspeed eth0}k/s Up:${upspeed eth0}k/s HDD:{fs_used /}/${fs_size /} MPD: $mpd_artist - $mpd_title
This is too much to fit in my bar, but it's all the monitors I would ever think about using myself.
Dont know why it's called wmii.rc for you and I don't have any Panel section in my wmiirc.
Either way, edit your wmiirc and add
conky > .conkywmii&
to it. I have it under the #MISC section.
and in statusbar do this:
while xwrite /rbar/status "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" `tail -n 1 .conkywmii` '-' `date`
There's one problem here and that's the fact that your .conkywmii will grow in size as long as your in wmii. When you reload .wmiirc the file is overwritten though. I'd be happy if someone could teach me how to solve that in a good way.
Last edited by gunnarbot (2007-09-10 16:08:24)
Hi, thanks for that, but it didn't work for me. When I start the wmii session, I can only see an empty panel, and I'm not even able to run commands.
I am also sorry for confusing so many technical terms. My config file is actually called wmiirc and my panel section is what it should be called statusbar.
This is my conky-cli:
update_interval 1
mpd_host localhost
mpd_port 6600
${time %a %d %b %H:%M} // $ARCH-PKG: ${execi 300 perl ~/scripts/} // EMAIL: ${execi 300 python ~/scripts/} // VOL: ${exec echo `mpc volume | sed -e 's#volume: ##'`} ${mpd_smart}
As for the rest I have copied everything you have done.
Last edited by finferflu (2007-09-10 16:40:30)
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
how does the output of conky > .conkywmii look?
Is everything on one line?
in statusbar:
while xwrite /rbar/status "$WMII_NORMCOLORS" `tail -n 1 .conkywmii` '-' `date`
change it to ~/.conkywmii <-
in wmiirc:
conky > .conkywmii&
change it to ~/.conkywmii&
Last edited by gunnarbot (2007-09-10 17:39:39)
It looks like it:
conky > .conkywmii&
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
Not like that.
Run cat ~/.wmiiconky and see if the program actually wrote something to it
Sorry, I had answered before you edited your post. Anyway, I can see some output in the .conkywmii file, but still, I have the same result as above with wmii, even changing .conkywmii with ~/.conkywmii.
Thank you.
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
post your wmiirc and statusbar please
Ok, there you go:
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
you should remove the status() part from your wmiirc
instead put
`conf_which status` &
in the #MISC section of your wmiirc
and create ~/.wmiidir/status with this
minus "@ bobdole"
Thanks again.
I have done as you said, and now I can at least use wmii properly, but there's nothing turning up in the status bar. Could there be something wrong in my conkyrc?
This is what I have in my conkywmii:
Mon 10 Sep 21:39 // ARCH-PKG: up to date // EMAIL: 0 new // VOL: 90%
Thanks for your help so far
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
Clumpsy clumpsy me.. I guess you copy-pasted my status file and again you gotta change .conkywmii to ~/.conkywmii to get it working.
I have nothing else to add really
Actually I haven't, I had already changed it to ~/.conkywmii before posting... very odd...
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
I installed wmii3.6 on my Archlinux PC (Arch 64bits)
It feels great. I also was amazed by ruby-wmii and I went ahead to try by
darcs get
cd branch-ruby-ixp
ruby install.rb
However, I was not able to open "xterm", neither launch any program by dmenu (Alt+p), BUT the built-in "actions" (alt+a) worked.
I checked the ~/.wmii-3.5/wmiirc.log. It gave me the following (BTW, I have not put ALSA on my system yet)
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:39.801699 #9261] DEBUG -- : Got "Key Mod1-Return\n"
sh: x-terminal-emulator: command not found
sh: amixer: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:42.329407 #9261] DEBUG -- : Got "Key Mod1-p\n"
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:44.265700 #9763] DEBUG -- : dmenu("firefox") finished
I, [2007-12-25T15:36:44.265976 #9261] INFO -- : Executing firefox
sh: ssid: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:44.327179 #9261] DEBUG -- : plugin/programs: history "firefox"
sh: amixer: command not found
sh: amixer: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:49.152900 #9261] DEBUG -- : Got "Key Mod1-p\n"
D, [2007-12-25T15:36: 50.801237 #9786] DEBUG -- : dmenu("xterm") finished
I, [2007-12-25T15:36:50.801497 #9261] INFO -- : Executing xterm
sh: ssid: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:50.864584 #9261] DEBUG -- : plugin/programs: history "xterm"
sh: amixer: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:53.880597 #9261] DEBUG -- : Got "Key Mod1-a\n"
sh: amixer: command not found
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:54.640965 #9804] DEBUG -- : dmenu("quit") finished
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:54.641275 #9261] DEBUG -- : plugin/actions: history ["quit"]
D, [2007-12-25T15:36:54.643053 #9261] DEBUG -- : Got "Bye\n"
Can someone explain to me what I have done wrong? Many thanks!
Hi all,
my first playing around with wmii, I am encountering a few things that probably should be different:
* when I click Mod4+a -> rc.wmii.local, it seems that nothing happens. I have plan9ports installed and my ~/.wmii-3.5 is at (wmii-3.6 and libixp-0.4 from extra
* I have no /tmp/ns.USER.{DISPLAY%.0}/wmii file
* Sometimes I have a terminal open and when I type wmiir ls /, I get a WMII_ADDRESS not specified error.
Any ideas what could be the case or what more info I should provide?
Thanks a lot,
made some progress:
* when I click Mod4+a -> rc.wmii.local, it seems that nothing happens. I have plan9ports installed and my ~/.wmii-3.5 is at (wmii-3.6 and libixp-0.4 from extra
I don't know what happens, it seems that rc.wmii.local is executed after all. I have the specified Modkey, wmii_term, tagrules etc. Only the cycle views function with modkey-n and modkey-p doesn't work. But I've copied it from the website...
* Sometimes I have a terminal open and when I type wmiir ls /, I get a WMII_ADDRESS not specified error.
I think I found out: I have a couple of apps launched automatically. But as of now, they're launched by running a ' &' command from the .xinitrc before exec wmii. That script in turn looks like this:
urxvt -e mutt &
urxvt -e mc &
urxvt &
and now the shell run from there can't adress the wmii namespace, whereas when I launch a new shell with modkey-return, this one can. So I guess it boils down to auto-start stuff from rc.wmii.local, does it? And if so, how would I do it? (Maybe even behave differently depending on whether X has just been started or the rc merely reloaded?)
This one is still valid, tho:
* I have no /tmp/ns.USER.{DISPLAY%.0}/wmii file
hi! i started today to use wmii to start using tiling wm's, but really i dont see the "tiling" thing, i press the MOD key (alt), but every new window that is created is a floating one, no automating tiling, or "tile" set... i barely see a different in wmii and fluxbox right out of the box
and i try the MOD-space keybind for tiling/floating... surely im missing something
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
hi! i started today to use wmii to start using tiling wm's, but really i dont see the "tiling" thing, i press the MOD key (alt), but every new window that is created is a floating one, no automating tiling, or "tile" set... i barely see a different in wmii and fluxbox right out of the box
and i try the MOD-space keybind for tiling/floating... surely im missing something
Do you have a ~/.wmii-3.5 directory? If not you may try creating it and then copying the files from /etc/wmii-3.5 there. I've been using ruby-wmii for a while now, but if I recall correctly, wmii should pick up the configuration from /etc/wmii-3.5 if you don't have a configuration directory in your ~. Perhaps this has changed in wmii-3.6.
If you have the ~/.wmii-3.5 directory and the files copied from /etc/wmii-3.5, have you edited any of the configurations? I've inadvertently written rules that made all windows floating. Also, you might try MOD-Shift-Space for toggling floating/tiled.
Good luck,
lol... MOD+shift+space solved the problem... i have all floating windows by default ... now im start playing with the order of the windows
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
what can i have in the Status Bar Info section?
# Status Bar Info
status() {
echo -n $(uptime | sed 's/.*://; s/,//g') '|' $(date)
i want a simple audio/volume indicator/changer and mounted disc info (total / free space)
can i have conky-cli in the top of the "desktop"?
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Man I feel a need to get back to wmii...
I've been away from wmii for a while. I just want to know if they fixed the "problem" of having to resize frames with the mouse. I find it very counter intuitive since wmii relies mostly on keyboard and the default half screen/half frame splits are surely not very comfy.
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"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
@finerflu : Try xmonad... Maybe you have already started using it. I get all the benefits of wmii. But i miss the title bar.. anyway, wmii3.5 + complete keystrokes will be the best in the world.
Be yourself, because you are all that you can be
what can i have in the Status Bar Info section?
i want a simple audio/volume indicator/changer and mounted disc info (total / free space)
can i have conky-cli in the top of the "desktop"?
You can have anything that outputs text to stdout. Elsewhere in the forums I have read about people having success getting conky-cli to work with wmii's status bar, but I've not had any success with that route.
For the case you mention, I've got the following volume script. You need to put it in your path, make it executable and include a $(get_volume) somewhere in your status function.
status=$(amixer sget 'Master' | tail -n 1)
vol=$(echo ${status} | gawk '{print $5}' | tr -d [%])
state=$(echo ${status} | gawk '{print $7}')
if [ $state == "[off]" ]; then
echo ${text}
For the disks mounted/space information, it shouldn't be too hard to hack something together with df and awk scripting. Here's something pretty basic you could put in your status function that includes volume and disk space information:
status() {
echo -n $(df | awk 'BEGIN { printf("Disks: "); } /^\/dev\// { printf("%s:%s ", $6, $5) }') \
'|' Volume: $(get_volume) '|' $(date +'%a %b %d %Y %I:%M %p')
Now getting the volume to change using the status bar is something I don't know how to do in standard wmii. You may want to take a look at ruby-wmii. It's gives you a few more features than the stock wmii configuration and there are a decent number of read-to-use status bar plugins available. One of the plugins is a volume display that lets you adjust volume with the mouse wheel.
Last edited by jbromley (2008-03-14 17:55:23)
Thanks jbromley! but it seems that my ~/.wmii-3.5/wmiirc file is not being read... i quit and reload x to reload my config, but with no change...
i see "nil" in the status bar as tag 1 when wmii loads, dont know what it means... i think that there's an error in my wmiirc and it goes to default config...
changed colors to (want some dark 'theme'):
WMII_NORMCOLORS='#888888 #000000 #000000'
WMII_FOCUSCOLORS='#ffffff #222222 #333333'
and status bar section to:
# Status Bar Info
status() {
echo -n $(uptime | awk '{ print "Uptime: "$3" days "$1" "} '|' Volume: $(get_volume) '|' $(date +'%R %d/%m/%Y')'
and added this keybindings (for easy volume change)...
Key $MODKEY-Mouse4
sh -c "$(amixer -q set PCM 20+)" &
Key $MODKEY-Mouse5
sh -c "$(amixer -q set PCM 20-)" &
Last edited by leo2501 (2008-03-16 12:05:22)
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery