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this is my .bashrc file..
if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then
# Shell is non-interactive. Be done now
fiexport PS1='\[\033[01;33m\][`date +'%H:%M'`] \[\033[01;31m\](\[\033[00;37m\]\u@\h \W\[\033[01;31m\])\[\033[00m\]\$ '
# Locale Settings
export LANG=tr_TR.UTF-8
export LC_ALL=tr_TR.UTF-8alias ll='ls -l'
alias ls='ls --color=auto'test -n "$DISPLAY" && export TERM=xterm
if [ "$PS1" ]; then
fiexport EDITOR=vi
export VISUAL=vi# Django Bash Completion
. /home/tunix/ Adding django directory to Python Path
export PYTHONPATH=/home/tunix/django/# Set Locale to C
alias l2c="export LANG=C; export LC_ALL=C"alias tc='truecrypt -M uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g)'
# Set VIM instead of VI
alias vi="vim"# Bash Completion
source /etc/profile.d/ Netbeans
source /etc/profile.d/ Eclipse
source /etc/profile.d/ JDK
source /etc/profile.d/ JRE
source /etc/profile.d/ Xorg
source /etc/profile.d/
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
Someone please ?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
When does it happen?
For the first time, I open screen and I detach it... Then I close GNOME terminal... And when I open GNOME Terminal, I expect screen to open and show me my detached session.. But it detaches itself automatically.. It also happens sometimes when I open a new tab in screen..
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
Don't you have to use screen -R to reattach?
if no screen is available that time, -Rd parameters force screen to open a new one..
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
I know that, I'm just wondering how you usually reattach to your screen session.
Generally I open GNOME Terminal once again or I just type screen -Rd
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
Pages: 1