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I needed a package to do a traceroute for a specific port (SMTP in my case) and found the program, tcptraceroute, and decided it could be handy for others. So I made my first package.
Here's the PKGBUILD:
# Contributor: Andrew Corrigan <>
pkgdesc="tcptraceroute is a traceroute implementation using TCP packets."
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
PS: I used the beta build as the stable 1.4 build wouldn't compile for me. I didn't spend any time trying to figure out why before trying the beta though.
PPS: namcap says the DEPENDS should just be libpcap. Should I remove the glibc dependency? Also, I think I should've had libnet in as a makedepends
Good job - nice package :-) About makedepends - yes, you must add libnet - it will not compile without it and it's only a make depenency - tcptraceroute run fine when I removed libnet after compilation. You can also remove glibc from depends since it's already covered in the "dependency chain" - use namcap -i to list all messages.
Thanks for the feedback. That's definetly a handy little program.
I edited the PKGBUILD above to reflect the depends/makedepends changes.
What should I do about the file I uploaded though? Upload another with the revised PKGBUILD in it with "updated" in the name, or something indicating it's a newer version?
hping is an excellent tool for traces too and available in extra.