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#1 2008-01-05 23:06:40

From: Friendswood, Texas, US
Registered: 2006-07-01
Posts: 394

Network Audio Conversion

This is networking crossed with multimedia, but I figured people here would be most knowledgable about it.

I have been ripping CDs into FLAC format for quite some time now, and I have been using MT-DAAPD (AKA Firefly) to host them over the network. This setup works quite well because Firefly converts the FLAC files into WAV on the fly and streams them to clients.
This works well for streaming media, but what if I want to put it onto a player?
I like having a central repository of music, but what if I want to get it to use it somewhere else?
I have this crazy idea that I should set up some sort of interface so people can get songs in MP3 format to put onto portable players. I envision a web interface (similar to RIMPS if you've ever used that - fine piece of software) that would let you download a song in FLAC or MP3 format. Music would be converted on the fly from FLAC to whatever you requested.

Am I nuts? Has anyone tried to do something like this? Is it worth pursueing?

Last edited by arew264 (2008-01-05 23:07:53)


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