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Pages: 1
This happened out of nowhere.. I just opened gtk-chtheme and everything freezed... I hen hard rebooted the machine and it gave me a kernel panic. Rebooted again and the kernel panic happened during UDEV loading. Rebooted again and now it always happens during SDC1 journal's recovery (my /home partition).
I live-booted partition magic but when trying to mount sdc1--kernel panic....
Tried to mount it on windows "Drive is not formated" (all other Linux partitions work)
Booted from the arch cd (with root=/dev/sdb2 (my root partition)) and it gave me, not a kernel panic, but an error message about the state of the journaling system and the option to either use a maintenance shell or CTRL+D to reboot.
How do I recover this HD? Or better yet.. how do I backup my data from it?
What is the filesystem you use on that partition (sdc1)?
Pages: 1