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#1 2008-01-07 20:13:28

From: Denmark - Møn
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 441

Mythweb statuspage Crashes the masterbackend

Hey Forum.

I have installed a MythTV setup in my house - which I'm quite happy with!!

BUT I have a problem. I have installed the package from testing ( latest ) and everything works fine - unless using the mythWeb GUI and wanting to see the status of the system. Then the masterbackends are killed without errors eventhough I starting it with mythbackend -v all !

So does anybody have an idea of what's going on in that moment. Caurse it did it also in te stable package, and have never tried that before. I have runned MythTV on ArchLinux for 4years now without any problems.
Untill I moved into a house and decidet to make the "Under the stairs" solution in my house.

I have created a user --> myth, which is the user that is beeing used all over the system.
When I log into the webpage - I can everything else!

Unless when i press to see the status page - then this error comes in the top of the screen and the backend are killed:

Error at /home/httpd/html/mythweb/modules/status/handler.php, line 29:
file_get_contents( [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!

And this is the log from mythbackend -v all

2008-01-07 21:10:31.630 ClearListMaps...
2008-01-07 21:10:31.630 Sort by time...
2008-01-07 21:10:31.630 PruneRedundants...
2008-01-07 21:10:31.630 Sort by time...
--- print list start ---
Title - Subtitle                    Chan ChID Day Start  End   C I  T N   Pri
---  print list end  ---
2008-01-07 21:10:31.630 Scheduled 0 items in 0.3 = 0.26 match + 0.05 place
2008-01-07 21:10:31.631 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'idleTimeoutSecs' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:31.631 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'idleTimeoutSecs' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:31.632 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'idleWaitForRecordingTime' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:31.632 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'idleWaitForRecordingTime' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:31.633 Seem to be woken up by USER
2008-01-07 21:10:31.633 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'startupCommand' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:31.634 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'startupCommand' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.110 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillEnabled' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.110 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillEnabled' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.111 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillPeriod' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.112 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillPeriod' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.112 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillMinHour' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.113 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillMinHour' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.113 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillMaxHour' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.114 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'MythFillMaxHour' AND hostname IS NULL;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.114 MSqlQuery: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videosource WHERE xmltvgrabber IN ( 'datadirect', 'technovera', 'schedulesdirect1' );
2008-01-07 21:10:39.115 MSqlQuery: SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'MythFillDB' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.115 MSqlQuery: SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'DailyCleanup' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.115 MSqlQuery: SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'JobQueueRecover-core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.347 JobQueue: ProcessQueue() started
2008-01-07 21:10:39.348 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'JobQueueCheckFrequency' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.348 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'JobQueueWindowStart' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.349 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'JobQueueWindowEnd' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.350 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'JobQueueMaxSimultaneousJobs' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.350 JobQueue: Currently set at 10 job(s) max and to run new jobs from 00:00 to 23:59
2008-01-07 21:10:39.350 MSqlQuery: SELECT, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime FROM jobqueue j, recorded r WHERE j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.inserttime, j.chanid,;
2008-01-07 21:10:39.350 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, found 1 total jobs
2008-01-07 21:10:39.350 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for 2031 @ 20080105225500 in Finished state.
2008-01-07 21:10:49.325 MSqlQuery: SELECT chanid, starttime, lastupdatetime, recusage,  hostname FROM inuseprograms;
2008-01-07 21:10:49.325 AutoExpire: Adding Programs to 'Do Not Expire' List
2008-01-07 21:10:49.350     2038 @ man jan 7 21:01:57 2008 in use by player on stuen
2008-01-07 21:10:49.350 AutoExpire: ExpireLiveTV(10000)
2008-01-07 21:10:49.351 MSqlQuery: SELECT recorded.chanid, starttime,   endtime,            title,           subtitle,    description,        hostname,        channum,     name,               callsign,        seriesid,    programid,          recorded.recpriority,         progstart,        progend,         filesize,    recgroup FROM recorded LEFT JOIN channel ON recorded.chanid = channel.chanid WHERE recgroup = 'LiveTV' AND endtime < DATE_ADD(starttime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE) AND endtime <= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL '-1' MINUTE)  AND hostname = 'core'  AND deletepending = 0 ORDER BY autoexpire DESC, starttime ASC
2008-01-07 21:10:49.351 AutoExpire: SendDeleteMessages. Nothing to expire.
2008-01-07 21:11:39.351 JobQueue: Currently set at 10 job(s) max and to run new jobs from 00:00 to 23:59
2008-01-07 21:11:39.353 MSqlQuery: SELECT, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime FROM jobqueue j, recorded r WHERE j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.inserttime, j.chanid,;
2008-01-07 21:11:39.353 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, found 1 total jobs
2008-01-07 21:11:39.353 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for 2031 @ 20080105225500 in Finished state.
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:15): new socket
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:15): setSocket: 14
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:14): state change Idle -> Connected
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket: readyread thread start
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:14): UpRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:14): socket is readable
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:14): cb->readyRead()
2008-01-07 21:11:40.781 MythSocket(81cb380:14): UpRef: 2
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 read  <- 14 21      MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 31
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 write -> 14 13      ACCEPT[]:[]31
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MythSocket(81cb380:14): DownRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MythSocket(81cb380:14): socket is readable
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MythSocket(81cb380:14): cb->readyRead()
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MythSocket(81cb380:14): UpRef: 2
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 read  <- 14 18      ANN Monitor CORE 0
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 adding: CORE as a client (events: 0)
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 write -> 14 2       OK
2008-01-07 21:11:40.782 MythSocket(81cb380:14): DownRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:40.823 MythSocket(81cb380:14): socket is readable
2008-01-07 21:11:40.823 MythSocket(81cb380:14): socket closed
2008-01-07 21:11:40.823 MythSocket(81cb380:14): state change Connected -> Idle
2008-01-07 21:11:40.824 MythSocket(81cb380:-1): cb->connectionClosed()
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:17): new socket
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:17): setSocket: 14
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:14): state change Idle -> Connected
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:14): UpRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:14): socket is readable
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:14): cb->readyRead()
2008-01-07 21:11:43.450 MythSocket(81caad0:14): UpRef: 2
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 read  <- 14 21      MYTH_PROTO_VERSION 31
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 write -> 14 13      ACCEPT[]:[]31
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MythSocket(81caad0:14): DownRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MythSocket(81caad0:14): socket is readable
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MythSocket(81caad0:14): cb->readyRead()
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MythSocket(81caad0:14): UpRef: 2
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 read  <- 14 18      ANN Monitor CORE 0
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 adding: CORE as a client (events: 0)
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 write -> 14 2       OK
2008-01-07 21:11:43.451 MythSocket(81caad0:14): DownRef: 1
2008-01-07 21:11:43.477 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'DateFormat' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:11:43.478 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'ShortDateFormat' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:11:43.478 MSqlQuery: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'TimeFormat' AND hostname = 'core' ;
2008-01-07 21:11:43.479 MSqlQuery: SELECT, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime FROM jobqueue j, recorded r WHERE j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.inserttime, j.chanid,;
2008-01-07 21:11:43.479 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 28, found 1 total jobs
2008-01-07 21:11:43.479 JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for 2031 @ 20080105225500 in Finished state.

Now i can start the backend again - and everything works fine untill next time I press the status page!

Just getting better .... All the time


#2 2008-03-23 10:33:05

From: Denmark - Møn
Registered: 2005-06-26
Posts: 441

Re: Mythweb statuspage Crashes the masterbackend

Well - Found out that this is not an ArchLinux problem, this is solved in 0.21 so hopefully someone will build that package really soon.
I'll do it my selv - but haven't tryed building packages yet - And cannot find the old MythPackages in the AUR, to get the basic settings for that!

Just getting better .... All the time


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