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skottish wrote:fancris3,
I'm having trouble getting a large version of the picture on the right. I'd like to see it. It is Enlightenment, right?
Could you please post where you got this enlightenment theme?
It looks really nice!!
Could you link to that wallpaper? And are those rezza's term colours? If not could you paste them?
Edit: Might as well post mine
Last edited by Xilon (2008-01-06 10:06:28)
Cool screenie Xilon, mind sharing your urxvt/Xdefaults settings as well?
PS: ur xmonad.hs gives me this message: Not in scope: `ppUrgent' , maybe u forgot to import something?
Last edited by Don-DiZzLe (2008-01-06 13:36:31)
i use a simple dwm setup; haven't changed anything very much for a long time.
Syd Barrett!!!!!!!!! This screen shot for the win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited by skottish (2008-01-06 21:04:05)
upsidiasium, what music player are u using in that screenshoot?
That should be ncmpc
yip, ncmpc (which is a front-end to mpd, if you're not familiar with it).
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
my own theme that I wrote that clones fluxbox's black glass theme
conky + .conkyrc based on someone on posting in these forums (thank you).
Last edited by bionnaki (2008-01-07 05:13:02)
This background image is very cool. The more I look at it, the more I like it. It feels like King Crimson music to me. Is this your work?
Last edited by skottish (2008-01-07 03:03:57)
yip, ncmpc (which is a front-end to mpd, if you're not familiar with it).
have you guys tried moc? I really like it.
why all the black desktops?
don't get me wrong, I like black to, as a color. But, not on my desktop. I find it hard on the eyes.
why all the black desktops?
don't get me wrong, I like black to, as a color. But, not on my desktop. I find it hard on the eyes.
I usually go with darker themes because it's easier for the eyes.
Light themes are bad, it's like staring into a lightbulb. (after like 5h+ = headache)
I only really get the chance to play with my computer at night after work, so it's dark. being a dark room with bright colors is too much for my eyes to handle. and I think they look cool. I dont like dark gtk themes aesthetically though - hard to explain.
Youre're using trayer or xmonad has tray support?
Moparx wrote:Could you link to that wallpaper? And are those rezza's term colours? If not could you paste them?
Edit: Might as well post mine …
I am so gonna steal that layout Looks beautiful!
Youre're using trayer or xmonad has tray support?
Stalonetray actually
Cool screenie Xilon, mind sharing your urxvt/Xdefaults settings as well?
PS: ur xmonad.hs gives me this message: Not in scope: `ppUrgent' , maybe u forgot to import something?
ppUrgent was added a few days after 0.5, so you need darcs to use it.
! Import colour scheme
#include ".Xdefaults.xilon2"
! Settings
!URxvt*depth: 32
URxvt*loginShell: false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*saveLines: 10000
!URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=8
!URxvt*font: -*-dina-medium-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
URxvt*font: -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-2
!URxvt*font: xft:clean:size=12
URxvt*boldFont: -schumacher-clean-medium-r-normal--*-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-2
!URxvt*boldFont: -*-dina-bold-r-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!URxvt*boldFont: xft:clean:size=12:
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
!URxvt*tintColor: #000000
!URxvt*shading: -100
URxvt*geometry: 80x24
URxvt*internalBorder: 2
URxvt*perl-ext-common: default,matcher
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
URxvt*cursorUnderline: false
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
URxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true
URxvt*scrollKey: true
URxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false
URxvt*urgentOnBell: true
Xft.dpi: 96
Xcursor.theme: Vanilla-DMZ
! Colours
URxvt*foreground: #D3D7CF
URxvt*background: #101010
! Black
URxvt*color0: #555753
URxvt*color8: #888A85
! Red
URxvt*color1: #A40000
URxvt*color9: #CC0000
! Green
URxvt*color2: #4E9A06
URxvt*color10: #73D216
! Yellow
URxvt*color3: #C4A000
URxvt*color11: #EDD400
! Blue
URxvt*color4: #204A87
URxvt*color12: #3465A4
! Magenta
URxvt*color5: #5C3566
URxvt*color13: #75507B
! Cyan
URxvt*color6: #3EA7C0
URxvt*color14: #72BDCF
! White
URxvt*color7: #D3D7CF
URxvt*color15: #EEEEEC
My latest desktop, nothing spectacular.
i usually use conky but i thought i might as well try something else, so today i installed adesklets
Lovely Wallpaper! Can you post a link to it?
Not much has changed in the last couple months, just a new background and color scheme really.
For reference:
Background: I Dream of Green2 by AuraBorealis (From DA)
How did you move the menu bar of the applications to the top of the screen?