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Pages: 1
Ok, new problem. I have xfe installed but when it starts up it is in the very upper left corner of the screen with no title bar(and hence no way to move it around or minimize it and what not), I tried forcing it with <decor>yes</decor> in the rc.xml for openbox but it was a no go... Anythoughts? Thanks in advance for your time.
I don't think this is referred to as 'title bar' but as 'window decorations', and it is a common problem with compositing features (xorg and compiz icw the ati-driver requires a driver-option in the xorg.conf for example)
Are you trying out compositing/transparency features?
I am using xcompmgr... So the only way to get the window decorations for xfe is not to use compositing? Are there any workarounds or do I just need to find a different file manager? I really like xfe so I was hoping to fix this.
No, no. You can have windows decorations, but I have seen several bugs in which the decorations disappear, so you'll have to identify what is causing it and then you'll probably find a solution here or in the wiki.
That time I had the same problem I had to add an option like 'addargbxvisuals' or something like that to the nvidia-driver section of my xorg.conf.
Pages: 1