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Maybe I have partitioned wrong but when I set up a chroot my / (root) partition pretty much gets filled
How big of a root should I have? Normally I got with 8192 (8gigs) but it doesn't seem to do any good (or I'm doing something wrong)
I have a 120 gig hard drive for now, I was thinking maybe 10-20 gigs for root but that seems like a lot
Normally I install opera and wine and then mplayer and plugins for opera in the chroot, I could do with just wine (or cedegacvs) if I could get it setup with no chroot
Last edited by Elvish Legion (2008-01-16 22:44:23)
I have 7 G for root and with KDE and a whole lot of niceties only consumes 42%. My be your are doing something wrong...
Check what's eating the space with du -h /dirname
I have 7 G for root and with KDE and a whole lot of niceties only consumes 42%. My be your are doing something wrong...
Check what's eating the space with du -h /dirnameR.
So my 8192 should be more than enough then?
My / is
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 9.2G 4.6G 4.2G 52% /
(/boot, /tmp and /home are in separate partitions). My chroot takes up 628M of the 4.6G used in /.
Mine is 7g, with 2.43g free. I've got xfce, fluxbox, e17, openoffice, some games, and a quite lot of applications in there.
What might help (if your pc is on for a while), is to delete (or clean out selectively) your log files (/var/log), I used to have lots of problems with that in ubuntu and SuSE... (And on my previous install - slackware - I was just in time removing about 10g of logfiles, don't ask...)
My coding blog (or an attempt at it)
Archer start page (or an attempt at it)
pacman -S filelight
Filelight is a graphical program that gives you a very easy way to check where your space is going.
Last edited by sejjiin (2008-01-17 16:36:17)
I recently hacked
pacman -Q | awk '{print $1}' \
| xargs -i pacman -Qi {} \
| awk 'BEGIN {} \
/Name/ {name=$3} \
/Installationsgröße/ {size=$3;dim=$4; print size " " dim " : " name} \
END {}' \
| sort -n
together, which lists your packages ordered by size
Note that you have to change "Installationsgröße" (==installsize) to what that line is called in your localized version.
Do you want to add that over here -> … 65#p306065 ?
Pages: 1