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#1 2008-01-18 14:16:03

From: NJ, USA
Registered: 2007-08-04
Posts: 620

Pacman 3.1 Orphan Info Buggered

A pacman -Qt on my system lists a few packages...

a2ps 4.13c-1
abiword-plugins 2.4.6-2
abs 1.0-1
acpi 0.09-1
acpid 1.0.6-1
agg 2.5-2
alacarte 0.11.3-3
alpine 1.00-4
alsa-oss 1.0.15-1
alsa-plugins 1.0.15-1
alsa-utils 1.0.15-2
aqbanking 2.3.3-1
arch-artwork 0.2.1-2
archstats 4.2-1
artwiz-fonts 1.3-3
aspell-en 6.0-1
at 3.1.10-1
aterm 1.0.1-1
audacity 1.3.4-1
aumix 2.8-1
autoconf 2.61-3
automake 1.10-3
avant-window-navigator-bzr 130-1
bc 1.06-4
beautiful-soup 3.0.5-1
berusky 1.1-1
bin86 0.16.17-3
biopython 1.43-1
bison 2.3-4
bitpim-release 1.0.4-1
bluez-gnome 0.14-1
bluez-utils 3.24-1
brasero 0.6.1-5
buffer 1.19-1
bzr 0.91-1
ccache 2.4-4
chkrootkit 0.47-1
clamav 0.92-1
clearlooks 0.6.2-5
cmake 2.4.7-1
codecs 20071007-1
color-theme 6.6.0-1
colordiff 1.0.7-1
colorgcc 1.3.2-4
conky-cli 1.4.9-2
cowsay 3.03-5
crafty 21.6-1
cryptsetup 1.0.5-5
cups-pdf 2.4.6-1
customizepkg 0.2-1
cvs 1.11.22-6
cvsps 2.1-1
cx_freeze 3.0.3-3
darcs 1.0.9-1
dbus-qt3 0.62-1
ddclient 3.7.3-1
denyhosts 2.6-1
dev86 0.16.17-4
dhcpcd 3.1.9-1
directfb 1.0.1-1
divx4linux 6.1.1-1
dmenu 3.4-1
docutils 0.4-3
dosfstools 2.11-2
dvdauthor 0.6.14-1
eboard 1.0.4-1
elinks 0.11.3-1
emacs-python-mode 1.0-4
enemy-territory 2.60b-8
epdfview 0.1.6-5
et-sdl-sound 25-1
evince 2.20.2-1
exaile 0.2.11-1
f-spot 0.4.1-1
fakeroot 1.9-1
fbpanel 4.12-1
file-roller 2.20.3-1
findutils 4.2.31-3
firefox3-systemcairo 3.0b2-2
flex 2.5.33-3
font-bh-ttf 1.0.0-3
foomatic-db-ppd 3.0_20071012-1
fusesmb 0.8.5-1
gajim 0.11.2-1
gcalctool 5.20.2-1
gcolor2 0.4-3
gconf-editor 2.20.0-1
gconfmm 2.20.0-1
gdm 2.20.1-2
geany 0.12-1
gedit 2.20.4-1
gimp 2.4.3-1
glewpy 0.7.4-1
glipper-old 0.95.1-2
glitz 0.5.6-1
gmrun 0.9.2-2
gnochm 0.9.11-2
gnome-alsamixer 0.9.6-2
gnome-applets 2.20.1-1
gnome-audio 2.0.0-2
gnome-backgrounds 2.20.0-1
gnome-bluetooth 0.9.1-1
gnome-cups-manager 0.31-9
gnome-keyring-manager 2.20.0-1
gnome-media 2.20.1-1
gnome-netstatus 2.12.1-4
gnome-nettool 2.20.0-1
gnome-spell 1.0.8-1
gnome-system-monitor 2.20.2-1
gnuchess 5.07-2
goffice 0.6.1-1
gparted 0.3.3-6
gperf 3.0.3-1
gpodder 0.10.3-1
gstreamer0.10-esd 0.10.6-1
gstreamer0.10-faac 0.10.5-1
gstreamer0.10-faad 0.10.5-1
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg 0.10.3-1
gstreamer0.10-mad 0.10.6-1
gstreamer0.10-mms 0.10.5-1
gstreamer0.10-neon 0.10.5-3
gstreamer0.10-speex 0.10.6-1
gstreamer0.10-xvid 0.10.5-1
gthumb 2.10.8-1
gtk-aurora-engine 1.3-1
gtk-engine-murrine 0.53.1-1
gtk-rezlooks-engine 0.6-8
gtk-sharp 1.0.10-5
gtk-theme-switch2 2.0.0rc2-2
gtk2-perl 1.160-1
gtkperf 0.40-2
gvim 7.1.156-1
haskell-binary 0.2-1
hddtemp 0.3.beta15.37-2
hdparm 7.7-3
help2man 1.36.4-1
hplip 2.7.10-1
htop 0.7-2
hugs98 200609-1
hwdetect 0.9-1
iasl 20061109-2
initscripts 2007.11-2
intltool 0.37.0-1
iputils 20070202-3
jfsutils 1.1.12-2
joyutils 1.2-1
kbd 1.12.20070827-2
kernel26viper 2.6.21.viper2-4
keytouch 2.3.2-1
keytouch-editor 3.1.3-1
libcaca 0.9-1
libevent 1.3d-2
libffi 4.2.0-1
libgpod 0.5.2-2
libkarma 0.1.0-1
libmodplug 0.8.4-1
libmtp 0.1.5-1
libmusepack 1.1-2
libnjb 2.2.5-3
libupnp 1.6.1-1
libvisual-plugins 0.4.0-2
licenses 2.2-2
liferea 1.4.11-1
lighttpd 1.4.18-1
lilo 22.8-2
links 2.1pre32-1
live-media 2007.08.03a-1
lm_sensors 3.0.0-3
lshwd 1.1.3-5
lsof 4.78-1
lvm2 2.02.29-1
lxpanel 0.2.4-2
lynx 2.8.6-1
lzop 1.02rc1-3
mail-notification 4.1-1
make 3.81-3
man 1.6f-1
man-pages 2.74-1
mdadm 2.6.4-1
mirage 0.9-1
mlocate 0.18-2
mpd-svn 7133-1
mplayer-skins 0.2-1
musepack-tools 1.15v-1
mysql 5.0.51-1
nano 2.0.7-1
netselect 0.3-1
nexuiz 2.3-1
nitrogen 1.2-1
notification-daemon 0.3.7-3
ntfs-3g 1.1120-1
ntfsprogs 2.0.0-2
ntp 4.2.4p4-4
obconf 2.0.2-3
obmenu 1.0-3
openbox-themes 1.0.1-2
openct 0.6.11-1
openoffice-spell-en 20060411-3
orange 0.3-2
p7zip 4.57-1
pam_keyring 0.0.8-2
patch 2.5.4-4
pcmciautils 014-3
pcsx2 192-1
pdfedit 0.3.2-1
peerguardian 1.5beta-2
perl-archive-zip 1.23-1
perl-libwww 5.808-1
perl-module-install 0.68-1
perl-time-format 1.02-2
pidgin-libnotify 0.13-2
pil 1.1.6-2
pkgconfig 0.22-3
po4a 0.29-1
polipo 1.0.4-1
portaudio 19_20071207-1
preload 0.4-3
procinfo 19-2
psmisc 22.6-1
psyco 1.6-1
purple-plugin-pack 2.2.0-1
pychecker 0.8.17-2
pycrypto 2.0.1-2
pymad 0.6-1
pyopenssl 0.6-3
pypanel 2.4-2
pyqt 4.3.1-1
pyqt3 3.17.4-1
python-daap 0.3-1
python-elementtree 1.2.6-2
python-eyed3 0.6.14-1
python-flup 1.0-3
python-gtkglext 1.1.0-2
python-lxml 1.3.6-1
python-matplotlib 0.90.1-1
python-notify 0.1.1-3
python-psycopg2 2.0.6-1
python-pygame 1.7.1-3
python-scipy 0.6.0-1
python-soappy 0.12.0-5
python24 2.4.4-3
pyvorbis 1.4-3
pyxdg 0.15-1
qca-tls 1.0-3
rb_libtorrent 0.12-3
reiserfsprogs 3.6.20-3
rkhunter 1.3.0-3
rp-pppoe 3.8-2
rpmextract 0-1
rs_rtorrent 0.7.8-1
rxvt-unicode 8.9-2
samba 3.0.28A-1
savage 2.00e-4
schedtool 1.2.9-1
scid 3.6.21-1
screen 4.0.3-5
scrot 0.8-2
sdparm 1.02-2
seahorse 2.20.3-1
slib 3a5-5
sonata 1.4-1
spcaview 1.1.7-1
sportstracker 3.1.0-1
sshfs 1.8-1
subversion 1.4.5-2
sudo 1.6.9p10-3
sunbird 0.7-1
swig 1.3.31-1
syslog-ng 2.0.6-1
sysvinit 2.86-4
tagpy 0.93-1
tea 17.3.5-1
ted 2.17-2
telnet-bsd 1.2-1
terminus-font 4.20-2
texinfo 4.11-2
thunar-archive-plugin-svn 3668-2
thunar-volman-svn 3707-1
tint-svn 37-1
tls 1.5.0-2
tomboy 0.8.1-1
transcode 1.0.4-2
transset 20050711-2
trayer 1.0-2
ttf-bitstream-vera 1.10-5
ttf-funfonts 1-2
ttf-liberation 3-2
ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-1
unison 2.13.16-1
unrar 3.7.8-1
unzip 5.52-3
valgrind 3.3.0-1
versionpkg 0.7.6-1
vim-colorsamplerpack 5.0-1
vim-project 1.4.1-1
vim-taglist 45-1
vino 2.20.1-1
visibility-git 20071028-2
visualboyadvance 1.7.2-5
vlc-plugin 0.8.6d-1
webcore-fonts 3.0-2
webkitgtk-svn 28484-1
webpy 0.22-1
wesnoth 1.2.8-1
which 2.17-2
wine 0.9.50-1
wireless_tools 29-2
wpa_supplicant 0.5.8-2
xalan-c 1.10-1
xawtv 3.95-1
xchat-gnome 0.18-1
xchat-systray-integration 2.4.5-1
xchatosd 5.19-1
xcompmgr 1.1.1-2
xcursor-chameleon-anthracite 0.5-2
xcursor-flatbed 0.1-2
xcursor-grounation 0.3-5
xcursor-jimmac 2.0-4
xcursor-neutral 1.13a-4
xcursor-pinux 0.3-7
xcursor-polar 1.4-6
xcursor-premium 0.3-5
xcursor-simpleandsoft 0.2-3
xcursor-vanilla-dmz-aa 0.4-4
xfsdump 2.2.46-3
xmlsec 1.2.10-3
xmonad-contrib 0.5-1
xorg 11R7.0-1
xorg-apps 1.0.3-2
xorg-fonts-75dpi 1.0.1-2
xorg-fonts-type1 1.0.1-1
xpdf 3.02_pl2-1
xrestop 0.4-1
yelp 2.20.0-2
zenity 2.20.1-1
zsh-completion 0.1-1
zsnes 1.51-2

As far as I can tell, this is exactly the same package list as pacman -Qe gives, but I can't be certain because for some reason "pacman -Qe > blah" doesn't behave the way you'd expect and I'm too lazy to cut and paste.

Cthulhu For President!


#2 2008-01-18 14:24:58

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,400

Re: Pacman 3.1 Orphan Info Buggered

pacman -Qtd lists only orphaned dependencies

read man pacman


#3 2008-01-18 15:33:11

From: NJ, USA
Registered: 2007-08-04
Posts: 620

Re: Pacman 3.1 Orphan Info Buggered

Allan wrote:

pacman -Qtd lists only orphaned dependencies

read man pacman

Produces the same list.  Which isn't its fault, actually, it's yaourt's for passing only Qt to pacman.

Cthulhu For President!


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