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#1 2008-01-14 14:17:14

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 2

xorg with a via chrome9 video card

i've been using archlinux on a hp pavillion laptop for a couple of years and i'd always find solutions for every problem.
Now, i've got another laptop with the following characteristics : dualcore intel T2130; chrome9 HC IGP graphic card (found by hwd and hwd suggested a vesa driver for my card)

My problem is: my computer freezes sometimes when using kde and everytime when exiting (on gnome or on kde) and then i have a kernel panic when forcing reboot.
I think that this is a xorg problem (maybe i've not the good chrome9 driver?) as hwd couldn't configure it efficiently (4/3 and poor resolution). I had to read xorg wiki on arch (i got a beter display; thanks arch!) but i still have my freezing problem.
I even updated openchrome but nothing changed.
Did anybody get this problem or can someone give a help please?
This is a descriptio of my xorg.conf :
section dri has mode 0666 (???)
section screen has modes 1200x800 with a 24 depth
section device has driver vesa
section monitor has displaysize 338 211 (96 dpi as suggested in arch wiki); modeline "1280x800@60" 83.46 1280 1344 1480 1680 800 801 804 828 -HSync +Vsync
section module : ddc, dbe, dri extmod glx bitmap, type1 freetype record modules loaded.

Thanks in advance


#2 2008-01-19 17:32:04

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 2

Re: xorg with a via chrome9 video card

Finaly, i'm sure that it wasn't only an xorg problem. My whole computer is not recognized by linux drivers; maybe too recent?
I've tried many other distributions (debian ubuntu mandriva fedora suse) with no best results... So i think that for now, only windows can drive that laptop.
I'll use my older laptop to continue working.


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