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blu3ness wrote:
Bigger pic:
I'm using openbox with pypanel, conky, mrxvt etc. WIll glad post my configs if requested.
Could I get your .pypanelrc? Also, this is slightly o/t, but how do you add additional locations in the left bar of thunar (your Pictures, Downloads, etc)?
Also, what GTK theme are you using?
Thank you
It is the bookmark feature of thunar. You can press "C-b" to open this sidebar, then drag and drop any folder to the sidebar and you are done. Right click on any bookmark and a action menu will popup, which allow you to rename or remove the bookmark.
Thunar also has a "Tree View" sidebar. You can press "C-t" to access it, but be aware that the two types of sidebars cannot be opened at the same time.
You can press F9 to toggle sidebar display, to close your current sidebar or open your previously opened sidebar.
Not much changed:
+netwmpager … jpg.xs.jpg
Could you please post your netwmpager config? Thanks.
Where'd you find this wallpaper?
Whats that applet on the left corner ? Are you using compiz ?
@manmover: I use urxvt with alpha channel support. Part of my .Xdefaults
URxvt*depth: 32
URxvt*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/cccc
@Reasons: netwmpager config:
# copy this file to ~/.config/netwmpager/config
# desktop layout
# set both to -1 to use default values (set by window manager)
cols = -1
rows = -1
# window geometry
# set height to 0 to make it automatically calculated
geometry = "110x0-6+997"
# show window title popups?
show_popups = true
# show sticky windows in pager?
show_sticky = true
# show window titles in pager?
show_titles = false
# below, normal, above
layer = "normal"
# opacity. 0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = normal
# Requires Xcomposite extension in X and
# xcompmgr or composition manager in WM.
opacity = 0.60
# allow other windows to cover pager?
allow_cover = true
# -- fonts --
# run `fc-list' to see available fonts
# format: "<family>:<option>=<value>:<option>=<value>..."
# some options:
# size font size
# weight light, medium, demibold, bold or black
# slant roman, italic or oblique
# antialias true or false
# More information:
popup_font = "Verdana:size=8"
window_font = "Verdana:size=7"
# -- colors --
active_desk_color = "rgb:54/54/54"
inactive_desk_color = "rgb:ac/ac/ac"
win_border_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
grid_color = "rgb:60/60/60"
active_win_color = "rgb:99/a6/bf"
active_win_font_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
inactive_win_color = "rgb:f6/f6/f6"
inactive_win_font_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
popup_color = "rgb:e6/e6/e6"
popup_font_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
Have you Syued today?
Free music for free people! | Earthlings
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." -- A. de Saint-Exupery
My KDEmod(after fresh and long awaited complete reinstall): … …
Interesting layout, the wallpaper trick is kewl.. I like how the taskbars are off in "their own little world"
colbert wrote:Where'd you find this wallpaper?
Hmm, I think it's a mandolux piece or from deviantart, can't recall exactly.
colbert wrote:Whats that applet on the left corner ? Are you using compiz ?
If you mean the display at bottom left, that's the OSD from amarok.
Are there tabs on the terminal's left bottom corner? If yes, how did you do it?
Are there tabs on the terminal's left bottom corner? If yes, how did you do it?
That's "screen".
Scrot'd all of my virtual desktops, which I'm actually using now that I've only got one monitor. … 68slf7.png … 68scc8.png … 68sku8.png
PekWM, pypanel, nitrogen, Candido.
Last edited by SilentM (2008-01-23 22:41:24)
methuselah wrote:This is a new clearlooks theme I made:
Larger view: … t-13-4.png … t-13-5.pngLarger view: … hot-14.png … t-14-1.pnggive eeet to meeeeee
I like that theme. you should upload it somewhere.
I added this theme to and … tent=74133 … tent=74133
I also included the xfwm4 window theme for xfce4.4.2
@reasons: What is this 'translate' tool in your command line? I would love to have that one ^^
Thanks in advance, iluva
@reasons: What is this 'translate' tool in your command line? I would love to have that one ^^
Thanks in advance, iluva
I think it depends on your gtk theme. play around with gtkrc - the setting will be in there.
Hi, here is my first one, a simple one actually
Can you tell me details like: metacity, gtk, icons theme, fonts?
Your desktop is really great!
Are you using firefox? If so, how did you make the checkbox white? I managed to change everything but the checkbox and radiobox...
I think it depends on your gtk theme. play around with gtkrc - the setting will be in there.
Ill give it a try, thx!
Offline … -thumb.jpg
My work box, nothing special.
which theme/window decorator are you using?
jo3 wrote: … -thumb.jpg
My work box, nothing special.which theme/window decorator are you using?
I don't remember off the top of my head. I'll get that info for ya as soon as I get to work tomorrow.