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#1 2008-01-28 00:29:19

Registered: 2008-01-12
Posts: 14

Building eveything from source with ABS

Hi. Im amazed with the ABS system. It´s aewsome, since I love to build all the software in my system from source, and compiling it and make it a binary package is just genious. But I have some questions, here they go:

1 - Im compiling everything using the ABS tree using makepkg -b, so it compiles and generates packages also for its dependencies and I edited makepkg.conf so all the generated packages go to a folder (i.e.  /packages) so I can install them later using pacman -U package. My question is: If I later install a given packages, that depends on another, will that package be automatically installed when it´s needed? And is there a way to automatically redo all the source compiling and package generation automatically upon a source update for the packages I previously generated (like syncing in pacman)?

2- Im trying to build my desktop from source the ABS way the cleanest way possible, without all that kde programs, just the core of its window manager, so I would like to know what sources to compile. I guess it would be something like xorg -> kde -> nvidia drivers -> compiz-fusion (not supported by ABS) . Any directions, guys? Thanks in advance.

Last edited by Arthanis (2008-01-28 00:32:24)


#2 2008-01-28 01:00:15

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,417

Re: Building eveything from source with ABS

Posting things twice gets you no help anywhere...


#3 2008-01-28 01:26:50

Registered: 2008-01-12
Posts: 14

Re: Building eveything from source with ABS

Sorry, it´s because i didn´t know how to move the post, I saw that if fit in another part of the forum


#4 2008-01-28 01:39:19

Registered: 2007-11-23
Posts: 840

Re: Building eveything from source with ABS

man makepkg

-b, --builddeps
           Build missing dependencies from source. When makepkg finds missing
           build-time or run-time dependencies, it will look for the
           dependencies PKGBUILD files under SRCROOT (set in
           makepkg.conf(5)). If it finds them it will call makepkg to build
           and install the missing dependencies. The child calls will be made
           with the -b and -i options.

if it searches recursively through directories, like say /var/abs, then I don't see u having a problem building from source and having makepkg do all the hard work for you.

what I don't get is this, unless u build the packages differently(edit the PKGBUILDS) then u will end up with the same thing arch repositories have now, so why would u wanna do that unless of course u do have plans for compiling against different configurations.

I thought about doing this for myself at some point, there is a lot of things I just do not need that is compiled in by default which I could rid myself of but, is all the time worth it in the end? Would like to hear someone elses expertise on this issue.

Last edited by jacko (2008-01-28 01:45:42)


#5 2008-01-28 02:12:04

Registered: 2007-11-23
Posts: 840

Re: Building eveything from source with ABS

Arthanis wrote:

Sorry, it´s because i didn´t know how to move the post, I saw that if fit in another part of the forum

if someone doesn't like where your post resides, they will move it. If u ask nicely in the original thread that u would like it moved, u will be obliged.


#6 2008-01-28 02:38:37

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,417

Re: Building eveything from source with ABS

Arthanis wrote:

Sorry, it´s because i didn´t know how to move the post, I saw that if fit in another part of the forum

Don't worry too much.  I suppose I was being mean given you are new here. sad It is just that help tends to be better when clustered in one place. 

jacko wrote:

I thought about doing this for myself at some point, there is a lot of things I just do not need that is compiled in by default which I could rid myself of but, is all the time worth it in the end? Would like to hear someone elses expertise on this issue.

Well, you could also add in more optimization for your specific processor.  But I honestly don't think you need this for every package.  Perhaps the kernel, glic and a couple of other often used and big packages, but in the end it is barely noticeable given Arch is fairly optimized by default and can make you system less stable.

The only real reason to recompile is to add/remove options.  If the option is easy to add and doesn't bloat the package. the devs will probably add it for you if you ask in the bug tracker anyway.  I think the only package I now recompile are mozilla ones because I want the branding.


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