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think of "church", take off the first ch, change the ur sound to an ar sound.
Of course, that's the English pronunciation. You can pronounce it differently in different languages. Look at, for example, francais, as opposed to the english version "French".
Well, to me the case is clear.
Excellent description! I'm glad somebody could make it make sense, I just can't seem to get that "making sense" thing down just yet...
Still, I think the most important question is:
How do you pronounce "irssi"?
Learn finnish and you'd know.
I always thought Arch was pronounced 'Ark-Linux', as in Archangel, or archmage, or archenemy...
arch (ärch), adj.
1. Chief; principal: their arch foe. 2. Mischievous; roguish: an arch glance.
“A stupid person can make only certain, limited types of errors; the mistakes open to a clever fellow are far broader. But to the one who knows how smart he is compared to everyone else, the possibilities for true idiocy are boundless.” —S.K.Z. Brust