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Hi guys. In celebration of Arch's new design, I finally decided to learn more about making wallpapers and GTK+ themes. Unfortunately, I had to basically hack an existing GTK+ theme (Smooth-Line), but it still looks good and matches the overall feel of Arch Linux, in my opinion.
I've created a collection of files that themes the following things:
GTK widgets
desktop background
The goal was to integrate seamlessly with the website's look and feel. I think I've succeeded:
Unfortunately, I don't have an xcf of the background, so I doubt it can be scaled easily. I guess it's one of those things you don't think about when a project starts out being 'just for me'.
I've uploaded a g-zipped tarball of the files you'll need to use the theme.
* The sample .Xdefaults file allows you to change the colors for urxvt. Feel free to delete all the stuff before the "color#" lines.
* gtkrc goes wherever you want it, but should be put in /usr/share/themes/Smooth-Arch/gtk-2.0/ if you want theme switching apps to recognize it.
* The background can be put anywhere.
* Arch-Linux goes in /usr/share/fluxbox/styles or ~/.fluxbox/styles.
I hope you guys like it.
EDIT: Updated the screenshot and fixed the link to the archive.
Last edited by xelados (2009-12-07 11:46:15)
I like your background a lot. Not so keen on the GTK theme; it's a bit simplistic for my taste, but there's certainly nothing actually wrong with it. Good work.
I'm using QtCurve with colours "borrowed" from the website at the moment - "selected background" and menu bars are Arch blue. Looks good with a borderless Openbox theme and black titlebars.
And yes, I really should post something to the screenshots thread.
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Nice work....thanks!
dunc: You wouldn't believe how long it took me to find the GTK+ theme documentation. Google hardly helped, and even GNOME's own wiki was a pain. Are there any other toolkits out there besides GTK and QT? I'm beginning to learn Python and might start making some gui apps for fun.
Thanks for the compliments on the background; it's the first wallpaper I've created using GIMP.
Can you please give us links to GTK+ theme documentation? I can't find any ...
Are there any other toolkits out there besides GTK and QT?
Just to name a few:
FLTK, LessTif (free reimplementation of Motif), wxWidgets, FOX toolkit, tk
A remark: wxWidgets uses GTK on Linux, so at least the look will be the same as a GTK application.
Sweet Background :-)
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Can you please give us links to GTK+ theme documentation? I can't find any ...
mfolnovic wrote:Can you please give us links to GTK+ theme documentation? I can't find any ...
Beat me to it.
I've got loads of half-finished themes here (or did have; they might have gone when I switched to Arch) - once I found QtCurve, it just seemed too much hassle. It's not totally configurable from the GUI, but it certainly beats poring over gtkrcs until your eyes hurt.
Edit: I meant to add that the wallpaper works quite well cropped to 5:4 if you take the right end. The big Arch logo loses its bottom left point, but it's not too bad.
Last edited by dunc (2008-02-03 20:12:34)
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Pages: 1