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if (BACKLIGHT == "YES"): self.label = "Backlight " + self.endlabel else: self.label = "Volume " + self.endlabel
I added that where you had
self.label = "Volume " + self.endlabel
and it worked...
What do you mean it worked, all that should do is change the label in the gtk bar, which is cool if you want that but the backlight should change the same regardless of that.
Changing the brightness with mute on has hilarious consequences... basically muted backlight.
I've modified your script so it decreases backlight at start, and increases back at end, but when I run it, it just decreases, and when I comment that line where he's decreasing, run xbacklight -set 50, and then run script, it increases back to 100... So I guess problem is I can't run xbacklight twice, why ?
I'd like to set the "window" in the right-bottom-corner of my screen and probably change the size a bit. I already found out how to change the width, but I cannot change the position. I guess it's something with the set_position, but maybe you can make the X and Y coordinates settable by parameters?
./changevol -c Front -i 5 -x 1400 -y 880
I'm not too understanding with this so if you could explain or help me with this, I'd be grateful. I have a script I use to change the brightness with my fn keys on my vaio. Really, it is the only way and it is run in a similar manner which is /etc/acpi/actions/ up/down. The script is
BRIGHTNESS=$(cat /sys/class/backlight/sony/actual_brightness)
if [ "$BRIGHTNESS" -gt 7 ]; then
if [ "x$1" = "xdown" ]; then
if [ "x$BRIGHTNESS" != "x1" ]; then
echo $BRIGHTNESS > /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness
[ -x /usr/bin/spicctrl ] && /usr/bin/spicctrl -b 0
# Recent nvidia Sonys have ACPI methods that do nothing. Thanks, Sony.
[ -x /usr/bin/smartdimmer ] && smartdimmer -d 2>/dev/null
elif [ "x$1" = "xup" ]; then
if [ "x$BRIGHTNESS" != "x8" ]; then
echo $BRIGHTNESS > /sys/class/backlight/sony/brightness
[ -x /usr/bin/smartdimmer ] && smartdimmer -i 2>/dev/null
echo >&2 Unknown argument $1
How would I get a similar OSD for it?
This is really sweet; I've got my extra volume up/down/mute keys properly mapped to actually do their jobs at last. Question: is there any way to make it change both Master and PCM simultaneously? I like to have them both synced for the best sound. Thanks again for the awesome script.
This is really sweet; I've got my extra volume up/down/mute keys properly mapped to actually do their jobs at last. Question: is there any way to make it change both Master and PCM simultaneously? I like to have them both synced for the best sound. Thanks again for the awesome script.
The script is actually hysterically hackish, this was back in my completely and I mean completely ignorant python days. But to change both you would just need to edit the script at the bottom I imagine.
command = "amixer set " + CONTROL + " " + AMIXEROPTION
volume = GetVolInfo(command)
#Executing againi for PCM
command = "amixer set " + "PCM" + " " + AMIXEROPTION
volume = GetVolInfo(command)
if (QUIET == "NO"):
ProgressBar(volume.percent, volume.label)
if (BACKLIGHT == "YES"):
os.execv('/usr/bin/xbacklight', ['placeholder', '-set', volume.realvol])
Last edited by bruenig (2008-12-16 01:05:38)
Works perfectly. Please collect 1 (one) Internets at the prize table.
Well that's nice. But it is unbelievably slow! Takes a second or so to exit. Not suited for pressing and holding the media button. It lags behind by a lot. (Maybe backgrounding/killing the displayed bar if another instance of the script is called would solve this?)
Here's what I use - extremely basic, no bar, nothing. Does what it should:
amixer-control {up|down|mute}
# amixer control script
case $1 in
volume=$(amixer sget Master | grep Left: | awk '{print $4}')
amixer sset Master $((volume+2)) >/dev/null 2>&1
volume=$(amixer sget Master | grep Left: | awk '{print $4}')
if [[ $((volume-2)) < 0 ]]; then
amixer sset Master $volume >/dev/null 2>&1
state=$(amixer sget Master | grep Left: | awk '{print $7}')
[[ $state == '[on]' ]] && amixer sset Master mute >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit
[[ $state == '[off]' ]] && amixer sset Master unmute >/dev/null 2>&1 && exit
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-12-16 11:49:47)
Shapeshifter, stop trolling, but yes it is not suitable for holding down (by the way, it doesn't actually change the window that pops up, it just draws windows on top of the other one creating the illusion that it is changing the bar). So if you hold it down, you could reasonably expect to pull up 10-15 pop up windows one on top of the other. Look at dvol for a technically good bar. It uses named pipes and such to prevent multiple instances and is just a really short bash script that calls dzen.
Scroll down to the bottom for some cool modifications:
Last edited by bruenig (2008-12-16 17:27:38)