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Hello, I am trying to use xbindkeys with the changevol scripts in openbox. When I start openbox the keys do nothing. My .xbindkeysrc looks like this:
# Volume Mute
"changevol -t"
m:0x0 + c:160
# Volume Up
"changevol -i 5"
m:0x0 + c:176
# Volume down
"changevol -d 5"
m:0x0 + c:174
When I run
killall xbindkeys
from a terminal, they begin to work again. My looks like this:
# Set wallpaper
eval `cat ~/.fehbg`&
cp ~/.gtkrc-2.0_conf ~/.gtkrc-2.0&
## Apps after openbox starts
conky &
#xcompmgr &
#avant-window-navigator &
# call xbindkeys to set keys
xbindkeys &
(sleep 2 && pypanel)&
So I have to restart xbindkeys everytime I load my WM. Any thoughts?
Last edited by semperfiguy (2008-02-06 01:16:30)
Sorry, I deleted my first response because I blatantly misread your post. Ummm...this may sound dumb, but try moving the xbindkeys higher in your For example, try placing it above the conky execution line.
I have found that, for whatever reason, some applications are finicky about the order in which they are executed. If that doesn't work for ya, let me know. I use the same setup for my dell hotkeys.
thayer williams ~
No luck. Still had to run killall xbindkeys, xbindkeys and it works.
What are you using for a login/display manager (if any)? You could try putting xbindkeys at the top of your .xinitrc file instead. I use SLiM and this works for me, but I believe it won't work using GDM or KDM.
Last edited by fflarex (2008-02-03 23:43:02)
Yeah, I am using GDM. I also have the power button activate pm-suspend and that works fine right off the bat. It is just the changevol options that give me grief.
Well, you could change the commands so that they are not openbox-specific. Install alsa-utils and then read the amixer man page. The commands will be something similar to:
amixer set -c 0 Master toggle
amixer set -c 0 Master +10%
amixer set -c 0 Master 10%-
These shortcuts should then work in any window manager. It might help, since you say your other shortcuts work fine.
EDIT: sorry, this little snippet here made me think you were using some openbox command, but apparently I was mistaken.
Hello, I am trying to use xbindkeys with the changevol scripts in openbox.
Last edited by fflarex (2008-02-06 03:54:50)
The commands I am using are not openbox specific. changevol is a script in my ~/bin directory (which is added to my path in my .bashrc). I can run the command from the command line with "changevol -i 5" to increase volume.
Edit: Found the problem. My ~/bin is added to my path in my .bashrc, which is not loaded till I open a terminal. So I moved the script to /bin and it works fine now. My bad..
Last edited by semperfiguy (2008-02-06 01:15:28)
A "safer" alternative is to simply source the .bashrc file from .bash_profile, which is sourced during initial login, for example:
$ cat ~/.bash_profile
# Source the .bashrc
if [ -f .bashrc ]; then source .bashrc; fi
thayer williams ~
Hello, I am trying to use xbindkeys with the changevol scripts in openbox.
As a workarround you should be able to do that configuring your .config/openbox/rc.xml
<keybind key="W-Up">
<action name="Execute">
<command>changevol -i 5</command>
Pages: 1