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#1 2004-06-16 20:59:16

From: France / Montpellier
Registered: 2004-05-30
Posts: 74

GNUStep problem

Hi everybody !

I just tried to install GNUStep (I heard a lot of good thinks about it). I use the GNUStep repository and installed it with :

# pacman -Sg

to see wath groups are avalaible

# pacman -S everythingaboutGNUStep

to install it.

Now, I don't really no what to do... gnustep daemon is running. Now what ? What I have to do to get GNUStep working ? (there's no exec gnustep ;-))

If someone have a tips or a good doc to beggin, It will be great !

Note : When I am on WindowMaker, and I run :

$ openapp /opt/GNUSte/System/Application/

I got an error message about share librairie... and when I stop my computer, it says that gcmd (or something like that) is not in /etc/rc.d/.

That it !

Thanks for advance !
Namlook :-)


#2 2004-06-17 00:52:55

From: Malmoe, Sweden
Registered: 2004-04-23
Posts: 1,249

Re: GNUStep problem

I think you need a windowmanager big_smile

arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy


#3 2004-06-17 07:16:15

From: France / Montpellier
Registered: 2004-05-30
Posts: 74

Re: GNUStep problem

Yes have one. I have windowmaker. But now ? What do I do ?  :cry:


#4 2004-06-17 08:15:13

From: France / Montpellier
Registered: 2004-05-30
Posts: 74

Re: GNUStep problem

I get this message when I try to run a app :

$ openapp
/opt/GNUstep/Local/Applications/ error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Any idee ?


#5 2004-06-26 12:50:02

Registered: 2004-02-20
Posts: 148

Re: GNUStep problem

Namlook... GNUstep is not (yet) a desktop environment, so you will have to start a window manager of your choice.  Due to a current problem I am having right now, you must install the windowmaker-cvs package but you can not use WindowMaker  wink

( until I figure out why it crashes on everybody's machine except for mine  :shock: )

Also, how did you install it?

to get everything you'd need to pacman -S gnustep
but I suspect you did pacman -S gnustep-desktop (which is pretty much everything you need for a simple desktop).

it confuses me that you do not have /etc/rc.d/gnustep, it really should be there  :oops:

In any case, try doing that install, starting that script, and then making sure that /etc/profile.d/gnustep is there and executable (should be ! ) and make sure your terminals which you want to start things from are login shells.

I. e. if you use xterm, add this to your ~/.Xdefaults

XTerm*loginShell: True

If you are not in a login shell, /etc/profile does not get sourced, hence no /etc/profile.d and no GNUstep  wink

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