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#326 2008-02-16 11:31:55

Registered: 2007-03-21
Posts: 177

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

fwojciec wrote:

Everything should be pretty much self-explanatory, methinks...  I'm particularly happy with the way conky came out this time around -- I doesn't draw attention to itself at all (you kinda have to imagine the black plastic of the monitor casing next to it...) but it's there if I need the infos.

Nice. What's the icon theme?


#327 2008-02-16 13:49:31

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 1,914

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

sen wrote:

@zodmaner, venox, Ashren, strankan, Gigamo, mascanho, ep5il0n


You can find my configs here:

The awesome config is based on Calmar's Awesome Setup but I tweaked it a lot and added new features.

1. put the 'awesome-status' and 'awesome-status.awk' to /usr/local/bin (or change paths in the scripts) and make them executable
2. look through the commented 'awesome-status.awk' script, you'll want to change some things
3. copy the panel settings from my awesomerc (line 52-329) to yours
4. change the image paths, amixer channel etc
5. the 'start' script is like the .xinitrc, so if you don't use a login-manager just cp the parts you want to your .xinitrc. If you use gdm for example, cp the 'start' script to /usr/bin, make it executable, edit the '/etc/X11/sessions/awesome.desktop' like this >>> Exec=/usr/bin/start

However the awesome-status.awk isn't finished yet. The MPD part need some enhancements (display nothing when stopped) and I want to add a weather function.

Strange, i did what you said to do and my awesome still looks like standard awesome... i have this with EVERY config i tried.

it doesnt matter if i put it in ~/.awesomerc or in ~/.awesome/awesomerc, it seems it simply is ignored...

for example: there is a mod4+enter = urxvt line... well mod4+enter still opens xterm on my machine....

i even deleted the config file in /etc, to make sure that one isnt loaded.. but no success...

He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.

Douglas Adams


#328 2008-02-16 14:19:26

Registered: 2007-07-11
Posts: 653

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Rasi wrote:

Strange, i did what you said to do and my awesome still looks like standard awesome... i have this with EVERY config i tried.

it doesnt matter if i put it in ~/.awesomerc or in ~/.awesome/awesomerc, it seems it simply is ignored...

for example: there is a mod4+enter = urxvt line... well mod4+enter still opens xterm on my machine....

i even deleted the config file in /etc, to make sure that one isnt loaded.. but no success...

That usually means there's something wrong with your current .awesomerc file. Maybe a typo in there or something.

Start Awesome with this command:

awesome > awesome.log 2>&1

To log Awesome error message to awesome.log file and see what's wrong.

EDIT: Edited in responds to thayer comment. Sorry mate. tongue

Last edited by zodmaner (2008-02-16 23:11:59)


#329 2008-02-16 15:27:09

Registered: 2007-05-20
Posts: 1,411

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

ech0s7 wrote:

Hello fwojciec, are you using some patch for the font ? Your fonts are very very beautiful! If yes, Can you say me what patch are you using, and how i can install them?  Thanks You!

I use the *-lcd replacements for cairo, libxft and freetype2 packages -- the first two should be in the community repo, the last one is from AUR.  I also have subpixel (rgb) enabled in /etc/fonts/conf.d.

bwalk wrote:

Nice. What's the icon theme?

Thanks. The icons are CrashBit -- … tent=71140
When I downloaded them last time the "index.theme" file they came with was broken; the icons worked but I was getting a lot of errors all the time...   The trick is to remove all the references to 72x72 and 96x96 icons from the "Directory List" section; I also removed "gnome" from the "Inherits" line because don't want the tiny gnome foot on every window.

EDIT: Merged two posts into one to reduce the number of posts without a screenshot.

Last edited by fwojciec (2008-02-16 22:54:02)


#330 2008-02-16 15:45:40

From: .de
Registered: 2007-02-18
Posts: 153

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Sry, I don't have the wallpaper in a different resolution.

Gigamo wrote:

Sen: No luck. sad

Here's what I put into my startup script:

sh /home/gig/ | /usr/local/bin/awesome-client &

print $4 prints the word "Playback" here btw. $6 prints the percentage like this: [42%], and I have tried putting that in the script, sadly not working either.

What I also tried is change the script this way:

while true
VOL=`amixer sget Front |grep 'Left: Playback' | awk '{ print $6 }'`
echo 0 widget_tell pb_vol "$VOL" | /usr/local/bin/awesome-client
sleep 1

Since this is how all my other info is piped to the widgets. (with the | /usr/local/bin/awesome-client behind it)

Any suggestions?

Thanks already though big_smile

The problem is that the script returns the volume like this >> [42%] <<. It has to be >> 42 <<.

I didn't know that the amixer output would be different. So first you have to look at the output of:

amixer sget Front |grep 'Left: Playback'

I don't have a 'Front' channel but for the 'Wave' channel it looks like this for me:

Front Left: Playback 54 [54%] [-18.40dB] Capture 15 [15%] [-34.00dB] [on]

The red part is the output you should use, so you want to select the 4. block. When you get the [54%] with "awk '{ print $6 }'" that means that you should use "awk '{ print $5 }'".

while true
VOL=`amixer sget Front |grep 'Left: Playback' | awk '{ print $5 }'`
echo "0 widget_tell pb_vol $VOL"
sleep 1

And then you can run it like this: | /usr/local/bin/awesome-client

Make sure that the widget 'pb_vol' is defined in your awesomerc.


#331 2008-02-16 15:57:01

Registered: 2007-05-20
Posts: 1,411

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

For me the 5th column is usually different than the 6th -- I get things like ... 31 [100%] ...  Anyways, you could also try something like this (or maybe someone else will find it useful):

amixer sget Master | grep 'Left: Playback' | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/\[//g;s/%\]//g'

Neither "Front" nor "Wave" seem to work for me...

@ Gigamo: I just noticed that if I change something in by .bashrc (alias for the grep command which had "-n" switch added) the output of amixer shifts and the old line no longer works.  I suspect something similar is happening in your case.  Here is a new command which doesn't use awk and thus is independent of how the output is structured in terms of columns...  Maybe this one will work better for you:

amixer sget Master | grep 'Left: Playback' | sed 's/.*[[:digit:]] \[//g;s/%\].*//g'

EDIT:  Merged two posts...

Last edited by fwojciec (2008-02-16 23:00:40)


#332 2008-02-16 16:23:22

Registered: 2008-01-19
Posts: 394

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Nevermind... This is some weird stuff.

While fwojciec's line prints the correct percentage without % and [], like it should be, it doesn't work in the progressbar.

However, sen's original line:

amixer sget Front |grep 'Left: Playback' | awk '{ print $4 }'

Does work. And the weird part is, that when I execute this from the CLI, it prints this:

[gig@giGnote:~] $ amixer sget Front |grep 'Left: Playback' | awk '{ print $4 }'

And the issue I have with this, is that the value it prints out in the progressbar isn't the correct percentage, which is why my bar isnt fully filled when the volume is on 100%.

Last edited by Gigamo (2008-02-16 17:54:55)


#333 2008-02-16 17:53:00

From: Chapel Hill
Registered: 2007-08-09
Posts: 177

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

I'm interested in knowing where you got that wallpaper in your screenshot, it looks really neat.

The water never asked for a channel, and the channel never asked for water.


#334 2008-02-16 18:29:36

Registered: 2008-01-19
Posts: 394

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

fwojciec wrote:

I just noticed that if I change something in by .bashrc (alias for the grep command which had "-n" switch added) the output of amixer shifts and the old line no longer works.  I suspect something similar is happening in your case.  Here is a new command which doesn't use awk and thus is independent of how the output is structured in terms of columns...  Maybe this one will work better for you:

amixer sget Master | grep 'Left: Playback' | sed 's/.*[[:digit:]] \[//g;s/%\].*//g'

Youre the man smile Working now.

Last edited by Gigamo (2008-02-16 22:25:12)


#335 2008-02-16 22:34:15

From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2008-01-17
Posts: 167

Re: February 2008 Screenshots


Featuring OpenBox with xcompmgr, conky (config shamelessly copied from screenshot by another member in one of the Screenshots Thread big_smile), Pidgin, ncmpc, and irssi with heavily modified madcow theme.

And it'd be great if someone could identify the flower on the wallpaper – I can't tell the difference between daisies and chamomiles. big_smile

Last edited by Oxyd (2008-02-16 22:35:45)


#336 2008-02-17 02:24:14

Registered: 2007-12-16
Posts: 809

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

xaw wrote:

I'm interested in knowing where you got that wallpaper in your screenshot, it looks really neat. smile


#337 2008-02-17 02:45:42

From: Chapel Hill
Registered: 2007-08-09
Posts: 177

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

@colbert: Ah ok, thanks for that I must have overlooked it while I was there.


Just a simple and unobtrusive setup here...

Wallpaper: Leopard - Triptych @ ;-)

Last edited by xaw (2008-02-17 02:46:09)

The water never asked for a channel, and the channel never asked for water.


#338 2008-02-17 04:56:22

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 65

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Forgive me Phrakture, for I have sinned.  I tried Mint for a week when an update broke my wireless.  But it frustrated me too much. smile I am back.



#339 2008-02-17 06:06:08

From: China
Registered: 2007-09-13
Posts: 217

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

dr.cranium wrote:

Forgive me Phrakture, for I have sinned.  I tried Mint for a week when an update broke my wireless.  But it frustrated me too much. smile I am back. … minfeb.jpg

Are you using urxvt? Mind sharing your .Xdefaults?


#340 2008-02-17 09:37:41

From: Germany
Registered: 2007-08-14
Posts: 1,914

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

hk2717 wrote:
dr.cranium wrote:

Forgive me Phrakture, for I have sinned.  I tried Mint for a week when an update broke my wireless.  But it frustrated me too much. smile I am back. … minfeb.jpg

Are you using urxvt? Mind sharing your .Xdefaults?


and the wallpaper please... and the bar at the top... awesome-bar if i am not mistaken.. config?

also: is this gmrun in the center of your screen? it somehow looks so... nice smile

Last edited by Rasi (2008-02-17 09:39:11)

He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.

Douglas Adams


#341 2008-02-17 09:43:34

Registered: 2008-01-19
Posts: 394

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Says "aterm" at the top smile


#342 2008-02-17 13:32:41

From: Greece
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 132

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

sen wrote:

[awesome 2.1]

The new features are great!

Yes, must be the best ever screenshoted.. big_smile
You should propose it for upload in the awesome website, cause it is just awesome.
You are the reason i am going to try awesome, thank you smile


#343 2008-02-17 14:09:16

From: Curitiba, Brazil
Registered: 2003-08-23
Posts: 137

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

You are the reason I'm going to watch 5 centimeters per second, thank you smile


#344 2008-02-17 14:48:58

Registered: 2008-01-25
Posts: 65

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

@Rasi and HK

The wall is from Desktopography.  They have a lot of good ones.  The url is  This is a direct link to another website that has it (unless you want to sift through desktopography) :

Thats not gmrun.  Its just a small aterm.  And it is urxvt just with NCMPC on it.  Photobucket just for some reason destroys pictures.  Its The original resolution was 1200x800.  I've got a deviantart now but I'm not sure how to do the thumb nail thing with it for this thread. .  that should be better.

.Xdefaults (nothing special)

and my .awesomerc


#345 2008-02-17 14:58:14

From: Norway
Registered: 2007-06-17
Posts: 46

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

hk2717 wrote:

Where could I find other resolution of this wallpaper please?

You could try /r/equesting it on 4chan smile


#346 2008-02-17 21:05:46

Registered: 2008-01-14
Posts: 4

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

in use: compiz-fusion-git + emerald + xfce
I can't remember where i found the original backgroundimage... i've modified it several times in the last years... roll


#347 2008-02-17 22:45:39

From: Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
Registered: 2005-08-17
Posts: 30

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

Oxyd wrote:

And it'd be great if someone could identify the flower on the wallpaper – I can't tell the difference between daisies and chamomiles. big_smile

Nice wallpaper. big_smile
I would say it's Bellis (Daisy). Chamomile has leaves on stem and the stem is forked to branches.


#348 2008-02-17 23:42:39

From: Ottawa, Canada
Registered: 2008-02-11
Posts: 203

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

nucleuswizard wrote:
coarseSand wrote: … png.xs.jpg … png.xs.jpg

The components:

Xfce 4.4
gtk2 theme: Murrina-Black
xfwm: GSM
icons: Final Order
font: Annivers

and the wallpaper I snagged from 4chan/wg/. You can get the Annivers font by browsing Smashing Magazine, it's somewhere in there, and it's completely free. I stick to a very minimal setup usually, and that may get even more drastic (see the xmonad man tab in vimperator?). I'm also noticing that my panel is very windows-y, but it works for me and saves more screen space than a dual bar setup would. I long for the summer when I hope to setup Xinerama with two 22" screens.

Could you post Murrina-Black theme I can't find anywhere

Sorry, wasn't watching this thread.

vim? EMACS? Pssh, I code in Scribus.


#349 2008-02-18 01:55:01

Registered: 2008-01-27
Posts: 410

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

February 2008 Arch (Maybe NSFW)

Theme: Aurora 1.4
Icons: gTango
Wallpaper: Joanna Krupa


#350 2008-02-18 04:45:22

Registered: 2007-03-21
Posts: 177

Re: February 2008 Screenshots

appolito wrote:
Oxyd wrote:

And it'd be great if someone could identify the flower on the wallpaper – I can't tell the difference between daisies and chamomiles. big_smile

Nice wallpaper. big_smile
I would say it's Bellis (Daisy). Chamomile has leaves on stem and the stem is forked to branches.

geeks smile


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