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#1 2008-02-18 17:57:20

From: Mountain View, CA
Registered: 2007-10-17
Posts: 182

Why did I get a very long $PATH string?

Here is my $PATH


The weired part is that I didn't install many packages such as firebird, but the binary path is in there.

I checked /etc/profile ~/.bashrc ~/.bash_profile, but these weired path was mentioned in nowhere.

Can someone tell me where else the $PATH can be sourced?

BTW, My problem ONLY happens when I use Qingy to log into X.

If I use Qingy to log into a text-console, or login from a vc directly. My $PATH seems ok.


#2 2008-02-18 18:39:56

Registered: 2006-11-14
Posts: 293

Re: Why did I get a very long $PATH string?

phabulosa wrote:

Can someone tell me where else the $PATH can be sourced?

You can do "grep -i 'export path=' /etc/profile.d/*" (and/or as root "grep r -i 'export path=' /etc/*") but it is definitely strange what you have all in the path.

phabulosa wrote:

BTW, My problem ONLY happens when I use Qingy to log into X.

Sorry, i don't know this. Perhaps you should to ask mother google first about it.:)


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