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Here is a shot of my bmpanel (Sandwich-black)
nsf, earlier "error" was caused by me. Sorry bout that.
I knew that Don't worry, all people make mistakes.
Here is a shot of my bmpanel (Sandwich-black)
Wow, I'm impressed by your work Simple and stylish.
Offline released
* New flags: --version (showing 0.9.6 in this release, sorry), --help, --list, --usage
* Optimization: default icon is being resized now to theme icon size
- Fixed mini bug (1 pixel miss in calculations) in render (forwarded to next release)
* If desktop switcher font not specified, desktop names are not drawn. And ds_text_padding means absolute desktop switcher keys width.
* redmini theme update, even more minimalistic
* (!) New theme variable: tray_space_gap
* (!) New theme variable: tray_icons_spacing
* Fixed bug in get_window_icon (XWMHints) (didn't show Opera icon)
I said that I don't want change anything in themes until 1.0 released, well I lied. But! adding ability to change width of the panel is big change and I still don't want to do it for now.
Happy using.
Am I releasing too often?
Last edited by nsf (2008-02-20 09:37:57)
Offline released
* New flags: --version (showing 0.9.6 in this release, sorry), --help, --list, --usage
* Optimization: default icon is being resized now to theme icon size
- Fixed mini bug (1 pixel miss in calculations) in render (forwarded to next release)
* If desktop switcher font not specified, desktop names are not drawn. And ds_text_padding means absolute desktop switcher keys width.
* redmini theme update, even more minimalistic
* (!) New theme variable: tray_space_gap
* (!) New theme variable: tray_icons_spacing
* Fixed bug in get_window_icon (XWMHints) (didn't show Opera icon)I said that I don't want change anything in themes until 1.0 released, well I lied. But! adding ability to change width of the panel is big change and I still don't want to do it for now.
Happy using.Am I releasing too often?
There is a bug with systray in openbox when the systray icons are sized 16. Here is the screenshot
Also, the systray doesn't show at all in pekwm in case you have forgotten about it and no, I don't think you are releasing too often
There is a bug with systray in openbox when the systray icons are sized 16. Here is the screenshot
Also, the systray doesn't show at all in pekwm in case you have forgotten about it and no, I don't think you are releasing too often
Aha, icons size bug fixed. (will be ok in next release)
Not sure about pekwm. When I worked on it, tray was fine. Just tried it again, panel even refusing to show itself now.
Will work on it.
For newbie users (who just reading this thread first time):
If you tried my panel and it doesn't work. Don't be shy, write here what WM you are using and other things, which could be useful in your opinion. I will see what I can do.
If something in panel doesn't work (systray for example) or there are some cases when app work wrong with my panel, post it here too. More information for me, more bug fixes.
Last edited by nsf (2008-02-20 12:34:23)
Sorry, it was a while ago so I haven't had the time to respond to my my previous post.
What I ment was, that the desktop-switcher-window in bmpanel displays all desktops. And if you have like me 6 desktops, then it takes up alot of space.
Is there a possibility to add a switch in the theme code so that the current desktop name is displayed only in one square?
If desktop switcher font not specified, desktop names are not drawn. And ds_text_padding means absolute desktop switcher keys width.
So you just have to edit the theme file
Sorry, it was a while ago so I haven't had the time to respond to my my previous post.
What I ment was, that the desktop-switcher-window on bmpanel displays all desktops. And if you have like me 6 desktops, then it takes up alot of space.
Is there a possibility to add a switch in the theme code so that the current desktop name is displayed only in one square?
Well, I guess in your situation short answer is no
Maybe you can just turn off desktop switcher in my panel and use some third party switcher?
After 1.0 I planned to rewrite all app framework to better handle adding new panel elements, so maybe (not sure) some kind of version 2 desktop switcher will be introduced. For example it might be something like:
( <- ) ( <current desktop name> ) ( -> )
Or as faelar suggested, you can try to turn off desktop names.
Last edited by nsf (2008-02-20 20:20:10)
Here is a shot of my bmpanel (Sandwich-black)
Would you mind sharing that theme?
xd-0 wrote:Sorry, it was a while ago so I haven't had the time to respond to my my previous post.
What I ment was, that the desktop-switcher-window on bmpanel displays all desktops. And if you have like me 6 desktops, then it takes up alot of space.
Is there a possibility to add a switch in the theme code so that the current desktop name is displayed only in one square?Well, I guess in your situation short answer is no
Maybe you can just turn off desktop switcher in my panel and use some third party switcher?
After 1.0 I planned to rewrite all app framework to better handle adding new panel elements, so maybe (not sure) some kind of version 2 desktop switcher will be introduced. For example it might be something like:
( <- ) ( <current desktop name> ) ( -> )Or as faelar suggested, you can try to turn off desktop names.
Ok, thansk for the reply
I have changed to only numbers, and since I have widescreen it doesn't bother me now, but it would be a nice addition to a great panel.
When I finally get around to do a theme I like, I will switch fully to bmpanel. Thanks for the great wotk
0.9.8 out
I changed version naming a little. Now all versions would be 0.9.X, where X integer from 0 to 99
After 0.9.8 will be 0.9.9, 0.9.10, 0.9.11, etc.
In this release bad tray icons sizing fixed when icon size not equals 24.
Tried to work with pekwm, but not sure something changed.
PekWM is very strange WM. Panel show itself only with native theme and only when it in my dev dir. When I copy bmpanel binary to /usr/bin it stops to show itself. Weird stuff. IceWM and Openbox still works fine.
Last edited by nsf (2008-02-21 10:56:54)
lyrae wrote:Here is a shot of my bmpanel (Sandwich-black) you mind sharing that theme?
Sure, but wait till tomorrow. I need to finish the Sandwich-brown and Sandwich-purple themes as well .
Rechecked panel with different WMs. Here is a support report:
openbox3 - full
icewm - full
pekwm - something wrong, not sure what exactly
xfwm4 (xfce4 wm) - full
wmaker - full
fvwm2 - not sure, but friend of mine said it is ok (hacker's WM, I don't like it)
blackbox - full
fluxbox - full
It is true for my git head version, not for 0.9.8, because some minor bugs were fixed during WM checks.
strankan wrote:lyrae wrote:Here is a shot of my bmpanel (Sandwich-black) you mind sharing that theme?
Sure, but wait till tomorrow. I need to finish the Sandwich-brown and Sandwich-purple themes as well .
That's perfectly fine.
Well, bad news. I worked on pekwm problem today almost 6 hours and didn't find anything.
Debug build starts fine with native theme, but doesn't work at all with redmini.
Release build doesn't work at all.
I'm tired of that and ready to give up. After all I checked 6 WMs and all works fine, but pekwm have really weird behavior. So I think it is pekwm bug. Maybe someday, someone will solve this problem. I will work on others. Sorry.
Well, bad news. I worked on pekwm problem today almost 6 hours and didn't find anything.
Debug build starts fine with native theme, but doesn't work at all with redmini.
Release build doesn't work at all.I'm tired of that and ready to give up. After all I checked 6 WMs and all works fine, but pekwm have really weird behavior. So I think it is pekwm bug. Maybe someday, someone will solve this problem. I will work on others. Sorry.
No worries. I will just use systray on transparent pypanel in pekwm and still be able to use bmpanel.
And thank you for your hard work!
Last edited by lyrae (2008-02-21 22:19:22)
lyrae wrote:strankan wrote:Would you mind sharing that theme?
Sure, but wait till tomorrow. I need to finish the Sandwich-brown and Sandwich-purple themes as well .
That's perfectly fine.
Here you go....
strankan wrote:lyrae wrote:Sure, but wait till tomorrow. I need to finish the Sandwich-brown and Sandwich-purple themes as well .
That's perfectly fine.
Here you go....
Thanks! Gives me something to do while working today..
strankan wrote:lyrae wrote:Sure, but wait till tomorrow. I need to finish the Sandwich-brown and Sandwich-purple themes as well .
That's perfectly fine.
Here you go....
a question though.. I can't seem to get it to show up on the bottom of the screen. I have changed "placement" to bottom , but it still shows up on top
any idea why that is?
lyrae wrote:strankan wrote:That's perfectly fine.
Here you go....
a question though.. I can't seem to get it to show up on the bottom of the screen. I have changed "placement" to bottom , but it still shows up on top
any idea why that is?
Are you sure you changed from top to bottom?
mrcold wrote:lyrae wrote:Here you go....
a question though.. I can't seem to get it to show up on the bottom of the screen. I have changed "placement" to bottom , but it still shows up on top
any idea why that is?Are you sure you changed from top to bottom?
well... i was sure.
but just in case, i went and deleted the whole line (it did say bottom) and typed it in again, and now it works.
I am assuming that i am crazy now
anyway, thanks for the great theme
well... i was sure.
but just in case, i went and deleted the whole line (it did say bottom) and typed it in again, and now it works.
I am assuming that i am crazy now
anyway, thanks for the great theme
yep, panel config parser is very sensitive. For example if you typed: "placement bottom " (notice space after bottom) this line would be ignored and default value would be set (top).
Last edited by nsf (2008-02-22 18:30:04)
Ah, i see. I really like this panel... so THANK YOU for creating it for us I have made a simple theme (It may be too much like lyrae's, but i like it because I made it
) … 28#p333928
if anyone wants it just say so
nsf, please please please take a look at pekwm again if you can, Tint refuses to work there too. All windows get "Untitled" title, so it looks like there's a problem with retrieving window titles for taskbar in pekwm. Fbpanel works fine though.