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What does the -q parameter stand for? It is not support by gnu-netcat (0.7.1) in the repos, but I wanted to try this out, it's really cool.
rm *()*
a beutiful extension and a hug to the wildcard
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.
A oneliner to retrieve all images a site links to:
wget -O - $SITE | sed -n 's/.*<a href="\(.*[jpgs][pniv][ggfg]\)".*>.*<\/a>.*/\1/pg' | wget -B "$SITE" -i -
Lots of funny images on phrakture's server (Hope you don't mind, phrakture...)
Last edited by Mantaar (2007-12-22 13:40:45)
Guy #1: I'd totally hit that.
Guy #2: Dude, I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become the King of England.
--College Walk, Columbia University (Overheard in NY)
^ hehe funny pictures indeed. especially ../epic !
Okay, here's what I use to copy my (growing) music collection to a removable HD which contains the collection minus the new songs.
yes no | sudo cp -riv /all/mus/* /mnt/usb/mus/
Edit: maybe one day I'll have a command as cool as the original post.
Last edited by peets (2007-12-31 16:37:12)
That reminds me. My favourite is to stress test with:
Last edited by schivmeister (2008-01-01 09:06:08)
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.
My command-line hates me 'cause I feed it stuff like this:
:(){ :|:& };:
What does this thing do?
It is a fork bomb... ":()" defines a function that calls itself twice in the background. It is then called...
Last edited by Allan (2008-01-04 10:04:00)
in other words:
function forkbomb() {
forkbomb | forkbomb &
Damn I executed it and now i have a problem with my fonts..
Any way thanks for the info
Ok, I solved the problem
Last edited by avoulk (2008-01-04 10:50:10)
Nice topic!
Here's my hdd benchmark:
mkdir -p /tmp/hddtest && cd /tmp/hddtest && \
yes | head -c 20480m | split -d -a 40 -b 524288 && \
find /tmp/hddtest -type f | xargs cat > /dev/null && rm -rf /tmp/hddtest
This creates in tmp 20G of 512K files, reads them and deletes them.
I used it to stress test my 20G hdd. If dmesg keeps quiet I presume it works fine.
Still you'd better use badblock, fsck, etc.
Last edited by infestdead (2008-01-29 14:40:58)
............. .......... .........................
Where is Pacman when you need him....
alias -s {jpg,JPG,jpeg,JPEG,png,PNG,gif,GIF}="feh -FZd" # yes! type "pic.jpg" and it opens feh and views it automagically!
**/*~*.bak # match all files & directories recursively except for those matching *.bak
ls *(/om[1]) # list the newest directory (replace the / with a . for newest file)
ls *(f:u+rw:) # list files with read write (or u+rx for read execute, etc. you can also do u-rx for "files withou xxxx")
aaah, screw it...
Go go go go zsh. zftp, zmv, zsocket, zemacs, zvim, zlulz.
edit: I forgot my favorite zmv command:
zmv -Q "(**/)(*'*)(D)" "\$1\${2//'/}"
It removes all single quotes from file names in the the current directory and down. Nice for mp3's etc.
Last edited by codemac (2008-01-29 16:19:59)
alias va='vim /etc/bash/.aliases; source /etc/bash/.aliases'
Dead simple, but makes adding and updating aliases soooo easy.
P.S. love the alarm clock and clock ideas . . .
Last edited by print (2008-02-22 05:34:02)
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