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#1 2008-02-23 07:52:32

Registered: 2008-02-23
Posts: 14

smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]


I tried to mount a network share (smbfs) but it complains about the lack of kernel support. To solve this, do i need to recompile the kernel, and if so, is there a guide that i can follow?

here is a sample output:

# mount -t smbfs //box5711/disk3 smb/
ERROR: smbfs filesystem not supported by the kernel
Please refer to the smbmnt(8) manual page
smbmnt failed: 255

Kernel = Linux 2.6.22-ARCH

Last edited by coreboy (2008-02-23 20:24:07)


#2 2008-02-23 07:54:53

From: Rome
Registered: 2005-10-30
Posts: 280

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Hi coreboy,
smbfs is compiled as module, so in order to use it type as root:

modprobe smbfs

and try again


#3 2008-02-23 08:12:13

Registered: 2008-02-23
Posts: 14

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Thanks for the reply

but its too early to celebrate with my noobishness...

# modprobe smbfs
FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.22-ARCH/modules.dep: No such file or directory

not quite sure whats going on here...


By looking at man pages i was able to generate a modules.dep file by using depmod. However there are still obstacles to climb...

# modprobe smbfs
FATAL: Module smbfs not found.

Last edited by coreboy (2008-02-23 08:25:57)


#4 2008-02-23 09:45:41

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Czech Republic
Registered: 2007-10-24
Posts: 127

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Have you tried "cifs" instead of "smbfs"?


#5 2008-02-23 10:06:49

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Slightly off-topic, but why are still using 2.6.22? Try upgrading your system.

Arch kernels have always supported Samba, so rebuilding it will not be necessary. It's a configuration issue on your machine, which a full upgrade should rectify. modules.dep will be auto-generated during the upgrade also, so you won't need to do that again.


#6 2008-02-23 11:30:04

Forum Fellow
From: Melbourne, Australia
Registered: 2004-10-09
Posts: 4,927

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

As said above, cifs is a replacement for smbfs, it'll work fine with windows computers. Use that instead. It's also quite a bit quicker.


#7 2008-02-23 19:43:19

Registered: 2008-02-23
Posts: 14

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Thanks for the replies guys,

As i understand it, upgrading the system involves doing a "pacman -Syu" which for some reason does not upgrade the kernel. I am still left with 2.6.22

also for cifs, is it just a matter of doing a "mount -t cifs //host/share mountpoint"?


aparently im having the same problem with cifs as with smbfs

# mount // smb/
mount error: cifs filesystem not supported by the system

Last edited by coreboy (2008-02-23 19:48:00)


#8 2008-02-23 20:13:43

From: Liverpool, England
Registered: 2008-01-10
Posts: 430

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Coreboy, if pacman -Syu isn't updating your kernel, check your /etc/pacman.conf file.  You might find something along the lines of the following at the top

IgnorePkg = kernel26

If so, remove it, and then re-issue pacman -Syu

With that line pacman won't upgrade the kernel when it upgrades everything else.  Although this is probably something you will have changed. 

Also it might be because you are running a custom kernel.

If push comes to shove, then download the latest kernel package from one of the repositories manually via ftp or browser and then when you have saved it, run pacman -U <name of package>  This should force the kernel to upgrade.

Alternatively, you can regenerate modules.dep by issuing

cd /
depmod -a

from a terminal, this should regenerate a correct modules.dep file.  Once you have done this you should be able to run modprobe -a smbfs and then mount using smbmount.


#9 2008-02-23 20:23:07

Registered: 2008-02-23
Posts: 14

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

I checked my pacman.conf file and there was no line telling it to ignore anything, the conf file is still the default that was installed with arch.

I have good news. My solution came as follows:

pacman -S kernel26

emphasis on the 26 (kernel26)

i still dont know why pacman -Syu didnt update the kernel but the above command did. I am now able to take advantage of both smbfs and cifs without having to manually load them into the kernel.

Once again thanks for all the help everyone big_smile

Last edited by coreboy (2008-02-23 22:20:15)


#10 2008-02-23 21:48:27

Forum Fellow
From: Ireland
Registered: 2004-07-21
Posts: 9,839

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]

Uhmm.. we don't have kernel24 in the repos anymore. yikes

Can you post the output of

pacman -Syi kernel24


pacman -Sp kernel24

I'd love to know where you installed it from.


#11 2008-02-23 22:19:46

Registered: 2008-02-23
Posts: 14

Re: smbfs, cifs and the kernel [solved]


It was kernel26. i shouldn't have written kernel24, maybe i was thinking of the kernel version that i just upgraded to (2.6.24 from 2.6.22).

Im going to edit the post so that we can clean up this thread a little and perhaps be of more use to any others that encounter this problem. smile


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