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Pages: 1
I'm having a lot of problems lately with artsd. Whenever it starts up, the frame rate drops in whatever game I'm playing (usually Elder Scrolls IV). Can someone make a shell script for me that will either (A) run whenever artsd starts, automatically killing it, or (B) check if artsd is running at set intervals, and killing it if it is.
i imagine it's being called on the $PATH, if so you could render such a call useless by creating a script in
a directory that comes before /opt/kde/bin, e.g /usr/bin, the script would contain
exit 0 # maybe the caller will react to a failed call, so tell it things went ok
edit: p.s
I see you're "a proud member of the Online Campaign for Real English."; Sorry to be a smart-ass, but where is the '?' in your question?
Last edited by raeven (2008-02-23 15:35:41)
I'll see if this code works. And I cannot be expected to always have perfect English. Especially when you consider the fact that perfection doesn't exist within objective reality.
argh. arts. lucky KDE has seen the fail in it long time ago.
run with aoss. that's the only way you have besides sdl, alsa, artsdsp. or get OSSv4. say, how would that be with games?
Last edited by schivmeister (2008-02-23 21:12:47)
I need real, proper pen and paper for this.
Pages: 1