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After I updated my system, I got troubles with my crypttab. Before upgrading i used
echo swap /dev/sda2 SWAP "-c aes-cbc-essiv:sha256 -h sha256 -s 256" >> /mnt/etc/crypttab
as pointed in the wiki to encrypt my swapspace. After a full system upgrade, I always receive an error at bootup, something about padlock-sha not found and a device not found. I slocated for the file and it is there. What s the problem with it? I only got this error after a full system upgrade.
i have this error too, but it doesn't prevent the encryption from working.
padlock_sha is a module for hardware sha support (i think) and everything works fine without it.
you get this error because you upgraded your kernel to the newest version.
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
It does prevent from encrypting the swap space I think.
Or how do I check if the swapspace is encrypted?