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Whenever i try to sh i get
Uncompressing Enemy Territory 2.55(Bunch of dots removed to make post shorter).Extraction failed.
Signal caught, cleaning up
Maybe you don't have a /tmp big enougth. That's what happened to me but i don't remember if it was that error. Anyway if it is, you can edit the extract location. Just open the .sh files in vim or some editor and change that path.
Why wouldnt i have a big enough /tmp? Its on the 30 gig root partition.. My hd isnt all that used..
/tmp is a tmpfs partition, not part of /. Check 'df' and /etc/fstab. You can also search the forum for tmpfs to learn more about what people have to say about it.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
Ok now it works... Now it just complains about glibc 2.1/x86 or something like that.. Some segmentation fault.. Dunno what thats about any help? Is it ause i have glibc 2.3.x?
I am using 2.3.2 with no problems. It's also easier to do TMPDIR=/home/user/somefolder sh thats what I had to do, I also do this with big file downloads with firefox.
I just umounted /tmp did the game with the default /tmp dir.. once it was over i remounted /tmp.. Anyways the game is just going slow for me (armyops) (which is american army) so i think its a setting but it works now..