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#1 2008-03-07 00:38:45

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 617

[Update - New Questions] MPD & Sonata - Adjust Sound Level from Sonata

I just set up MPD and Sonata and enjoying some music now.

I was wondering though how I would have to set up MPD such that I am able to adjust the volume from within Sonata - when I am moving the scroll bar up and down nothing happens.

UPDATE: See my next post....

Last edited by Stalafin (2008-03-07 00:56:27)


#2 2008-03-07 00:41:08

Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 443

Re: [Update - New Questions] MPD & Sonata - Adjust Sound Level from Sonata

Does your MPD configuration have any mixer settings? Mine looks like this:

mixer_type                      "alsa"
mixer_device                    "default"
mixer_control                   "PCM"


#3 2008-03-07 00:54:49

Registered: 2007-05-20
Posts: 1,411

Re: [Update - New Questions] MPD & Sonata - Adjust Sound Level from Sonata

If you have problems with hardware mixer you can always enable software mixer in mpd.conf.  In mixer section comment out all the settings except for:

mixer_type                      "software"


#4 2008-03-07 01:02:14

From: Berlin, Germany
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 617

Re: [Update - New Questions] MPD & Sonata - Adjust Sound Level from Sonata

Alright, I gonna try that...

I have another question though - I cannot start MPD as my user.

See my configuration file mpd.conf:

# An example configuration file for MPD
# See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.

######################## REQUIRED PATHS ########################
music_directory                 "~/music"
playlist_directory              "~/music/playlists"
db_file                         "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file                        "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
error_file                      "~/.mpd/mpd.error"

#music_directory                 "/home/user/music"
#playlist_directory              "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
#db_file                         "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
#log_file                        "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
#error_file                      "/var/log/mpd/mpd.error"

# Note: ~ is the home directory of user set in the "user" option

######################## OPTIONAL PATHS ########################
# If you wish to use mpd --kill to stop MPD, then you must
# specify a file here in which to store MPD's process ID.
pid_file                        "~/.mpd/"
#pid_file                        "/var/run/mpd/"
# If specified, MPD will save its current state (playlist,
# current song, playing/paused, etc.) at exit.  This will be
# used to restore the session the next time it is run.
state_file                      "~/.mpd/mpdstate"
#state_file                      "/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate"

######################## DAEMON OPTIONS ########################
# If started as root, MPD will drop root privileges and run as
# this user instead.  Otherwise, MPD will run as the user it was
# started by.  If left unspecified, MPD will not drop root
# privileges at all (not recommended).

user                            "usr"

# The address and port to listen on.
bind_to_address                 ""
#bind_to_address                 "any"
#port                            "6600"
# Controls the amount of information that is logged.  Can be
# "default", "secure", or "verbose".
#log_level                       "default"

########################## PERMISSIONS #########################
# MPD can require that users specify a password before using it.
# You may specify one ore more here, along with what users who
# log in with that password are allowed to do.
#password                        "password@read,add,control,admin"
# Specifies what permissions a user who has not logged in with a
# password has.  By default, all users have full access to MPD
# if no password is specified above, or no access if one or
# more passwords are specified.
#default_permissions             "read,add,control,admin"

########################## AUDIO OUTPUT ########################
# MPD supports many audio output types, as well as playing
# through multiple audio outputs at the same time.  You can
# specify one or more here.  If you don't specify any, MPD will
# automatically scan for a usable audio output.
# See <>
# for examples of other audio outputs.
# An example of an ALSA output:
audio_output {
        type                    "alsa"
        name                    "My ALSA Device"
#        device                  "hw:0,0"     # optional
#        format                  "44100:16:2" # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
#        type                    "oss"
#        name                    "My OSS Device"
#        device                  "/dev/dsp"   # optional
#        format                  "44100:16:2" # optional
# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
#audio_output {
#        type                    "shout"
#        name                    "My Shout Stream"
#        host                    "localhost"
#        port                    "8000"
#        mount                   "/mpd.ogg"
#        password                "hackme"
#        quality                 "5.0"
#        bitrate                 "128"
#        format                  "44100:16:1"
#        user                    "source"                # optional
#        description             "My Stream Description" # optional
#        genre                   "jazz"                  # optional
#        public                  "no"                    # optional
# Force all decoded audio to be converted to this format before
# being passed to the audio outputs.
#audio_output_format             "44100:16:2"

############################# MIXER ############################
# MPD needs to know what mixer settings to change when you
# adjust the volume.  If you don't specify one here, MPD will
# pick one based on which ones it was compiled with support for.
# An example for controlling an ALSA mixer:
#mixer_type                      "alsa"
#mixer_device                    "default"
#mixer_control                   "PCM"
# An example for controlling an OSS mixer:
#mixer_type                      "oss"
#mixer_device                    "/dev/mixer"
#mixer_control                   "PCM"
# If you want MPD to adjust the volume of audio sent to the
# audio outputs, you can tell it to use the software mixer:
#mixer_type                      "software"

######################### NORMALIZATION ########################
# Specifies the type of ReplayGain to use.  Can be "album" or
# "track".  ReplayGain will not be used if not specified.  See
# <> for more details.
#replaygain                      "album"
# Sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags.
#replaygain_preamp               "0"
# Enable on the fly volume normalization.  This will cause the
# volume of all songs played to be adjusted so that they sound
# as though they are of equal loudness.
#volume_normalization            "no"

########################### BUFFERING ##########################
# The size of the buffer containing decoded audio.  You probably
# shouldn't change this.
#audio_buffer_size               "2048"
# How much of the buffer to fill before beginning to play.
#buffer_before_play              "0%"
# Similar options for the HTTP stream buffer.  If you hear
# skipping while playing HTTP streams, you may wish to increase
# these.
#http_buffer_size                "128"
#http_prebuffer_size             "25%"

########################### HTTP PROXY #########################
# Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for playing HTTP streams.
#http_proxy_host                 ""
#http_proxy_port                 "8080"
#http_proxy_user                 "user"
#http_proxy_password             "password"

############################# LIMITS ###########################
# These are various limits to prevent MPD from using too many
# resources.  You should only change them if they start
# restricting your usage of MPD.
#connection_timeout              "60"
#max_connections                 "5"
#max_playlist_length             "16384"
#max_command_list_size           "2048"
#max_output_buffer_size          "8192"

###################### CHARACTER ENCODINGS #####################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly, then you
# may need to change this.  In most cases it should be either
# "ISO-8859-1" or "UTF-8".  You must recreate your database
# after changing this (use mpd --create-db).
#filesystem_charset              "ISO-8859-1"
# The encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
#id3v1_encoding                  "ISO-8859-1"

######################### OTHER OPTIONS ########################
# The metadata types MPD will recognize.
#metadata_to_use                  "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
# Enable this if you wish to use your MPD created playlists in
# other music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"

And accordingly my .mpdconf:

port "6600"
music_directory ~/music
playlist_directory      "~/.mpd/playlists"
db_file                 "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file                "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
error_file              "~/.mpd/mpd.error"

I can create the database using sudo /etc/rc.d/mpd create-db - the database is actually created and I can look at it.

When I want to start the daemon though with sudo /etc/rc.d/mpd start I get a fail - if I revert the user to "mpd" and enable the default settings where everything is stored in /var I get no errors.

Last edited by Stalafin (2008-03-07 01:02:45)


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